NATIONAL CO-OPERATION Dorte Inekci Department of Nephrology P Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark
WHAT IS SIG-PD? Holstebro Hospital Skejby Hospital Herlev Hospital Rigshospitalet Speciel Interest Group on Peritoneal Dialysis The group comprises 4 nurses comming from the following Danish hospitals:
ELECTION Work with peritoneal dialysis Employer have to allowe for one day off for meeting purpose 4-5 times a year Candidates must be willing do most of the work in their spare time Candidate must meet the following prerequisites:
Exchange of experience Communication of knowledge Development of new initiative in peritoneal dialysis AIM OF SIG-PD
FUNDING Meeting activities Development of new projects The group is funded by FS-Nefro Funding covers:
COMPLETED PROJECTS Develoment of a homepage Aminations film Different ways to fixate the peritoneal dialysis catheter
PRESENT PROJECTS Problems patients faces when they wants to swim in the sea or in a swimmingpool Questionnaire to all department off peritonealdialysis Evidens Results of the project
PERMANENT PROJECTS Opdating the homepage Communication and presentation of the work from the group –Communication inside own department –Communication via PD øst og vest
THE FUTURE Film on nutrition Poster to all peritoneal dialysis department in Denmark