SHRUTI MUTALIK, MD Resistance to Exercise and Psychological Factors that Affect Functional Recovery in Chronic Disorders
I have no financial relationships with any commercial interests related to the content of this activity Disclosure
Pain Pain : Solitary, consuming Pain : Multimodal, not merely sensory Nociceptive, and emotional/sensory processing Pain and psychopathology :Bidirectional correlation
Pain : Psychopathology Depression: link with functional outcomes, disability Anxiety Personality Disorders Comorbid anxiety and depression : link with severity of pain PTSD Somatic Symptom Disorders Substance abuse/dependence Phantom limb pain Complex regional pain syndromes
Screening for psychiatric disorders Depression, anxiety screening, questionnaires Recognition of need for focused psychiatric treatment Antidepressants in chronic pain Multidisciplinary approach
Functional outcomes Impact on functional recovery Impact on functional recovery Impact on participation in exercise Impact on participation in exercise Link between psychopathology and functional outcomes Link between psychopathology and functional outcomes
Exercise Evidence for mood and cognitive benefits Meta-analysis of cohort studies : improved physical and physiological function in patients with chronic lower back pain Exercise and functional outcomes
Coping with pain Health locus of control Pain related self efficacy Pain acceptance Predictors of treatment benefit?
Understanding Resistance Barriers to physical activity Patient perceptions, participatory social support (Heart failure patients) Motivation to exercise and mood/anxiety/cognition
Motivating patients to exercise Cognitive behavioral framework for conceptualizing resistance- CBT group therapy in chronic back pain to improve pain tolerance, lower disability Interpersonal Therapy framework Psychodynamic framework: Unconscious conflicts Motivational interviewing, ambivalence
Motivational Interviewing: Evidence Base Motivational Interviewing to increase physical activity in people with chronic health conditions: meta-analysis of ten trials, small effect in increasing physical activity levels in chronic health conditions Improvement of exercise experience in MS Motivational Interviewing and Exercise Programme for Community Dwelling older persons with Chronic Pain : improvements in mobility, pain intensity, anxiety
Motivational Interviewing A collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation for change
Motivational Interviewing Collaboration Evocation Autonomy 1980s: William Miller, Stephen Rolnick Non- judgemental Client Centered Ambivalence
Prochaska & Diclemente Stages of Change
Motivational Interviewing
Avoid Arguing Roll with Resistance Express Empathy Develop Discrepancy Support Self-Efficacy
Summary Heterogeneous psychopathology Identification of psychiatric syndromes Barriers to exercise Collaborative approach to overcoming barriers CBT, Motivational Interviewing
Thank you all!!
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