Equipment Coding in the Project Domain (practical case study) Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez, EN-MEF-DC
Example of request to EN/MEF/DC to create codes Process: Design office request codes for a list of new items and layout drawings as models are ready!! Meeting with designer to understand the request just CDD codes required Checking existing drawings, naming portal, layout sources, requesting project leader further details, etc. to prepare a proposal Proposal sent to project leader, requestor (CC: system coding officer (TE/VSC) ) Creation in CDD when everything is agreed 07/10/2014 Naming Conventions Sub-committee - Meeting n. 7 Sonia Bartolomé - EN-MEF-DC
Documentation Management Seminar Sonia Bartolomé - EN-MEF-DC Example of request to EN/MEF/DC to create codes DRAFT Besoin Code CDD proposé Statut code CDD Description Code équipement Statut code équipement Description code équipement Plans layout Half Sector Test SPLLJLHS A créer Installation Layouts – PSB Half-Sector Test LJLHS Installation Layouts – Half Sector Test Chambre à vide: bride DN+1 soufflet+bride MKT (conique) SPLVCDB_ Existant Vacuum Chamber for Drifts, with Bellows VCDBN A créer. Vacuum Chamber for Drift, with Bellows and MKT flange (Drawing SPLVCDB_?) Chambre à vide: bride DN+2 soufflets+bride MKT (conique) VCDBO Vacuum Chamber for Drift, with two Bellows and MKT flange (Drawing SPLVCDB_?) Chambre à vide: bride DN+1 soufflet+bride conique type PS (STDVFCON0031) VCDBP Vacuum Chamber for Drift, with Bellows and PS type flange (Drawing SPLVCDB_?) Chambre à vide: bride DN+1 soufflet+bride avec couteau (SPLLJLFB0084) VCDBQ Vacuum Chamber for Drift, with Bellows and DN100 flange with collar (Drawing SPLVCDB_?) Plaques intermédiaire (interface support-sol) (4 pièces différentes) SPLHL__ Support for assembly Generic - Pièces interface poutre-instrumentation (3 différents) SPLLJLFB Mechanical support and handling gear for BI equipment Rehausse sol-jacks Fixation chambre à vide – point fixe SPLVHCF_ Support Vacuum Chamber - Fixed Proposal draft 07/10/2014 Documentation Management Seminar Sonia Bartolomé - EN-MEF-DC
Example of request to EN/MEF/DC to create codes Questions for discussion: Is it the right approach? If not, how improving the process? Roles of the Project Leader (Technical coordinator), Configuration Manager, Equipment Owners in this respect From EDMS: 605968 07/10/2014 Naming Conventions Sub-committee - Meeting n. 7 Sonia Bartolomé - EN-MEF-DC