Newsletter May - June 2011 Daniel Huisman Tel. France Dear Friends, Greetings from France. The 15th of June I arrived here and I will stay for 3 months.
The team here is happy with my help. I am helping with repairs and maintenance of the buildings. On the picture I am putting in extra lights in the room where we meet for church services. And I will help with the video work and we will put up the big tent for the conference of 6-14 Augustus.
From October 2010 – May 2011 I have been in Indonesia to help as a volunteer in the technical department in the mission hospital. We have installed new water pipes in 12 buildings of the hospital. I hope to go again next year to finish the rest.
From 10 – 13 of June I have been at the conference at Pentecost camping. It was a blessed time together with so many people praising the Lord. (See picture below) At that moment we were encouraged to pray for Japan. Japan is one of the few countries in the world where Evangelical Christians are decreasing in number. See this beautiful video;
Please pray for my father On the picture are my parents at home the day I left for France. 2 days later my father was admitted urgently to the hospital because he could not go to the toilet for 2 weeks already. On fathers day he had surgery and they found it was colon cancer the size of a tennis ball. After the surgery he had 3 days of kidney dialysis because of blood poisoning. According to the doctor he has one more year to live with chemotherapy and a stoma bag. He will spend a total of one month in the hospital before he can go home again. We pray for a miracle. The mission trip to the Ukraine with the youth group this summer will still go on with somebody else leading it.
I look forward to marry Jennifer Sanchez in Chile. She is from Chile and lives with her parents, she speaks Spanish and English. We are in love since October and Jennifer would love to join me into missions. She also has technical talents with the computer so we will be a good work team together. Together as volunteers we want to continue to help people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to do this by living in faith. We pray for Gods provision.
John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
11 – 11 – 2011 Daniel and Jeny will get married in Chile
Friendly greetings and thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you
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