KIDNEY FOUNDATION MISSION St. Gregorios Dayabhavan Kunigal.


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Presentation transcript:

KIDNEY FOUNDATION MISSION St. Gregorios Dayabhavan Kunigal

Chronic Kidney Disease  Asymptomatic  Irreversible  Silent Killer

Chronic Kidney Disease  Can be prevented?  Progression can be delayed?  Life can be sustained?  Yes

What are Kidneys? A vital organ to sustain life

Functions of Kidney  Removing toxins from blood through Nephrons  Formation of blood  Strengthening Bones  Production of Vitamin D

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)  Causes Scarring in the Kidney  Irreversible  A Silent Killer

Heart Disease.. Ten fold higher in CKD Patients..Risk Factor

Causes of CKD  Hypertension  Diabetes

Current status  % - detected – 120milion  Every 5 th Indian is diabetic  India, Diabetic Capital of the world  Increment by two fold in future

Medical Treatment  7 out of 100 reach hospital  Survivors - 2 out of 7  Out of 120 million  Dialysis - Above 60,000  Transplant - 10,000 Per Year

Experience A Middle Class Family

 35yr old bread winner of a middle class family  Diabetic  No Regular follow up  Presents with swelling of legs  Seen by Nephrologist

Treatment Dialysis Temporary Life Support Cost Rs to per month

Treatment Transplantation Cost Rs 5 lakhs to 12 lakhs Plus Monthly Maintenance Rs per month

Patients Problem

 The sole earner - income per month 15,000/-  Does not have enough money for treatment  Total Denial  Children - education at risk  Not enough money to sustain family & life

What are his options? Bankruptcy Opt to Die

Can We save them from the Silent Killer?

Key Issues to be addressed  Management of patients with kidney disease  Social issues surrounding with the families of CKD patients  Creating public awareness of kidney disease and its prevention.

Implementation Medical Screening & Categorization

Screening Test

Treatment For CKD Patients

Group A  Patients with initial stage of CKD Proper medication - Diet - Exercise Delay the progression by 15 – 20 yrs COST - Rs 6000 –10000 per yr Bread Winners Effective and critical

Initial Stage of CKD - Progression Bread Winners Effective and critical

Group A  Patients with end stage CKD

COST- Rs 25,000 – 30,000 per month FREQUENCY - 2 to 3 times a week Dialysis Temporary Life Support DURATION – 4 hrs Reduction in working efficiency Expensive long term basis Bread Winners - Not preferable

Transplant A Second lease of life With Complications 10 – 12 lakhs (4 yrs dialysis Cost ) COST - Rs 5 lakhs (2 yrs dialysis Cost)

Could lead normal healthy life with One Kidney Donor


Group B – Potential Candidates  Hypertension and Diabetic Patients Exercise - Diet Proper medication advised by a physician COST- Rs per month

 Strong family history of diabetic and hypertension Group B - Prevention Prevent diabetic and Hypertension by diet, exercise & annual medical check up

What is practical? Prevention or Treatment

Pledge of the Mission “Prevent Kidney Disease Save them from the Silent Killer

Thank You