It is me before I was diagnosed with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease ) in May 2011
This is me in 5 th May I have that thing in my neck. I can hardly walk around. So broken and bloated on steroid treatment to shut my kidney hoping it will function after 6 months but no avail. I am on dialysis 2x a week through an IJ insertion in my neck.
This is me in July this year after the steroid treatment. What a relief! I am putting a brave face for my children. They keep asking if I am getting any better.
This is me in August on a ventilator. I came out of the hospital at 39kgs.
Sitting there after my dialysis session. My first dialysis session through my fistula (arm)
Me Before I was sick. I am separated with 3 small children. Please help me get another chance to be with them healthy and see them grow. Thank you so much.