Rural Health Policy Summit Barney Speight June 11, 2010
2 Since July, 2009: –44,966 kids have been enrolled in Healthy Kids (16.65% increase) –13,733 kids in rural counties (30.5%) Oregon Healthy Kids: Enrollment Gains
3 County# Increase% Increase Baker Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Douglas1, Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jefferson Josephine1,
4 County# Increase% Increase Klamath Lake Lincoln Linn1, Malheur Morrow Polk Tillamook Umatilla1, Union Wallowa Wasco Yamhill1,
5 Prioritizing areas with high rates of uninsurance Reaching out to: –Clinics, business groups, ag community –Faith-based groups –4-H –County fair guides –Oregon High School Rodeo finals in Crook county HK Outreach & Marketing in Rural Oregon
6 For More Information…
7 Coverage Expansions Under P.L New mandatory Medicaid eligibility category 2.For individuals who buy through an Exchange: –Premium assistance through refundable tax credit –Reduced cost-sharing
8 Non-elderly, non-pregnant persons not entitled to Medicare; i.e., childless adults & certain parents With incomes at or below 133% FPL Medicaid Expansion in 2014
9 Premium assistance credit –Sliding scale: Premium cost at 2% (100% FPL) to 9.8% (400% FPL) Maximum out-of-pocket limits reduced from $5,950 individual / $11,900 family – FPL: $1,964/$3,927 – FPL: $2,975/$5,950 – FPL: $3,927/$7,854 Subsidies in an Exchange in 2014
10 Uninsured in Oregon by FPL (2008) FPL# Oregon% Oregon , , Over 40063, Total620,
11 Regional Uninsurance Rates in Oregon (2008) RegionUnder 200% FPLOver 200% FPL Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker 31.1% (14,132)11.1% (7,677) Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Hood River, Jefferson Morrow, Sherman, Wasco, Wheeler 38.1% (14,009)15.9% (11,292) Harney, Klamath, Lake, Malheur 30.0% (13,012)12.7% (8,337) Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, Tillamook 33.7% (18,759)10.8% (10,733) Coos, Curry, Josephine 28.9% (18,611)12.1% (12,185) Douglas 22.0% (8,651)13.8% (8,823) Polk, Yamhill 19.8% (9,307)8.9% (10,484)
12 Delivery system capacity –WORKFORCE I. T. –Connectivity between Exchanges, HHS/CMS, IRS, State of Oregon, Health Plans, etc. –Interoperability of clinical information systems (EMRs, EHRs, etc.) –To be addressed by next presenters…. Strategic Implications