Looking Ahead: Plans and Priorities for MNsure Outreach and Enrollment June 5, 2014 Jackie Edison & Christina Wessel
what have we accomplished? 2
Applications and Enrollment through MNsure 3 Applications are for a household level, and our enrollment count is at an individual level. Note: Manual QHP enrollments have been included since March 23
Enrollments by Program May 11, Note: Manual QHP enrollments have been included since March 23
MNsure Paper Applications October 1, 2013 – May 9, ,112 total paper applications
Individual Market: Metal Levels May 11,
working with partners 7
Consumer Assistance Partners Navigators Application and Enrollment Assistance $25 MA $70 MCRE ($70 QHP) Community Service Organizations Certified Application Counselors Application Assistance No direct compensation from MNsure Health Care Providers Agents and Brokers Application and Enrollment Assistance Carrier CommissionsLocal Businesses Outreach Grantees Enroll the Hard-to-serve $4 million in grants for 2015 Open Enrollment Consumer Assistance Partners Community Specialists Consumer Assistance Partner Customer Services Navigator Relations Broker Relations Consumer Assistance Team - Certification, Training, Enrollment Services and Tools, Administration, Technology, Program Development, Communications 8
MNsure Navigator/CAC Program Navigators are obligated to help any consumer that contacts them successfully enroll in health plans through the MNsure marketplace (eligible for per enrollee payments) 973 certified navigators, 177 navigator organizations Certified Application Counselors (CACs) help people apply and enroll in the context of their daily job duties (not eligible for per enrollee payments) 344 Certified Application Counselors, 82 CAC entities Navigators received per-enrollee payments for successfully enrolling more than 25,000 consumers by March
Inverted Triangle Theory of Outreach Navigators are particularly effective at reaching and serving populations facing barriers to enrolling in coverage. 10 Hard to serve Requires some help Do not require much help One-on-one assistance Multiple contacts Intensive follow-up Interventions with state and county Contact Center Website with “help” buttons 1-2 contacts with an assister Application Instructions Website ITTO developed by Elaine Cunningham, Children’s Defense Fund-MN Targeted PopulationsResources
Navigator program vision Build a navigator program where each region of Minnesota is served by a network of entities that together can demonstrate the following qualities: Established relationships with populations facing barriers to enrollment or renewal Experience using effective outreach techniques Staff skilled in assisting consumers enroll in coverage Ability to maintain a year-round presence in al counties Commitment to partnering with MNsure on enrollment campaigns 11
Summer outreach plans 12 Goal of MNsure’s summer outreach campaign is to drive consumers to enrollment assistance and increase enrollment through MNsure. Strategies including leveraging navigators, grantees, other allies and community partners, and existing public events. Target Audience are consumers facing particular challenges to enrolling in or renewing coverage, as well as populations with high levels of uninsurance.
Summer outreach plans 13 Role for MNsure outreach liaison team Organize and coordinate events with partners Prioritizing identifying opportunities in top 10 uninsured counties Opportunities for navigators to partner with MNsure Organize and coordinate events with MNsure Enroll or make enrollment appointments at events Help identify opportunities/events Inform us of your events for the Enrollment Event Calendar (900 scheduled for June!)
Next steps for the navigator program 14 Developing performance enhancement opportunities for navigators and CACs Improving the navigator experience through better communications and new technology Facilitating relationships between consumer assistance partners Evaluating and redesigning the navigator program in 2015 Creating new opportunities for navigator input
questions? 15
For discussion What are ways we can promote the navigator program: To recruit new navigators/CACs? To inform the public about the availability of in-person assistance? What are ways we can improve how we communicate with navigators? What challenges does the navigator program face going forward? How can we use the navigator program to improve health equity? 16