By Gledisa and Fadeke
De rien -You're welcome Allons-y - Let's go A tout à l'heure- See you in a little while A plus tard-See you later A bientôt-See you soon A demain-See you tomorrow
C'est dommage -That's a pity Attention! - Look out! Je suis désolé- I'm very sorry Ce n'est pas grave- It doesn't matter / it's not serious Bonsoir-Good evening Tant mieux -So much the better
Tant pis - Too bad J'en ai marre- That's it! I've had enough of that/it! Je ne comprends pas- I don’t understand Rien a faire-Nothing can be done about it Pas du tout!-Not at all! Normallement-All things being equal / if things stay as they are
Pas mal-Not bad Voila!-There is, there are, here it is etc C'est cela, oui!-yeah, right! Qu'est-ce que tu racontes, toi-what are you talking about T'es folle / fou -you're mad! C'est pratique ça-that's very useful/inventive au cas ou-just in case