Community Land-Based Wastewater Disposal in Pennsylvania Prepared by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG Wilkes University
Center for Environmental Quality Non-profit/ equal opportunity employer, is operated and managed, within the Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department. Outreach Programs Environmental and Professional Education and Training Applied Research Community and Business Outreach Programs Homeowner Outreach Program Website:
Without Act 537 It Would be Worse ! Wildcat Discharges Surface Malfunctions OR Contaminated Groundwater !
What is a Community System? Community Sewerage System (Ch 71.1 – Definitions) –Community Sewage System – “ a sewage facility, whether publicly or privately owned, for the collection of sewage from two or more lots or two or more equivalent dwelling units and the treatment or disposal or both of the sewage on one or more of the lots or at another site. –Options: Community On-lot Sewage System (soil-based renovation approach or retention tank) Community Sewerage System (non-soil based renovation approach)
Community On-Lot System Conventional Systems Seasonal Spray Irrigation Drip Irrigation Site Evaluations – Conducted with Local Agency and PADEP
Conventional Systems In-ground Seepage Beds and Trenches Elevated Sand Mounds Elevated Sand Trenches Retaining Tanks – Holding Tanks, Privies, Chemical Toilet, Recycling Toilets, Incinerating and Composting Toilets. (temporary) – May be integrated into design of community systems, but typically are used on individual systems.
Conventional Sand Mound System –Design using peak daily flow or design may be based on effluent quality, whichever more limiting. –Additional site characterization is required. –System may require 100 % reserve or backup. –May require additional pretreatment to remove nitrogen compounds or treat strong or complex organic wastes. Side View of Mound Pretreatment Septic Tanks, Grease Tanks, and Effluent Filters
Spray Irrigation For much of Northeastern Pennsylvania, a “SLOW Rate” spray irrigation approach has been employed. Seasonal Approach – Suitable Spray Season a function of the nature of the development and use, meteorological conditions, soil conditions, and local groundwater/geological conditions. Prior to Irrigation, the wastewater is treated to secondary treatment Standards. YES – THE WASTEWATER IS TREATED. Treatment – Package Treatment System or Aerated Lagoon. This is a Seasonal System – during the non-spray season the treated effluent is stored, stream discharged, or disposed of in another manner. In NEPA, the system has been used for seasonal developments (CAMPS), housing projects, schools (East Stroudsburg), and commercial developments.
Spray Irrigation Lined Storage Lagoon Spray Nozzle- Area in Foreground is also forested spray irrigation area. NO- We do not cut down all the Trees !
Spray Irrigation Spray Nozzles
A Little Diversion- My Trip to NC
After a Storm Yes – This is the Septic Tank Where is the drain field?
Where Was I Swimming I Thought I Was Getting Away It ALL !
Drip Irrigation Potential Year-Round Disposal Option Hydraulic Loading Based on Soil Morphological Evaluation and Water Budget Analysis. Depth to Limiting Zone SHWT – 20 inches (6 inch installation depth) Bedrock – 26 inches (6 inch installation depth) Common Installation Depth – 6 to 12 inches. Slope up to 25 %. Primary Treatment – Septic Tanks or Aerobic System. Secondary Treatment for Septic Tank Effluent -Sand filtration system, Aerobic Tank, or Peat filters for anaerobic pretreatment. Pump Tank to Manufacturers Manifold Filter Disc Filtration and Distribution System. For large volume systems – Pretreatment would likely be a package treatment system with a sand filter. Multiple Drip Zones – Dosed to maintain unsaturated flow.
Drip Irrigation Components (< 10,000 gpd) Septic Tank Aerobic Unit – Must Be Kept in the ON position to Work !
Secondary Treatment Options (< 10,000 gpd) Peat FilterAeration or Aerobic Tank Other Options: Intermittent Sand Filter (Free Access / Buried)
Drip Area Drip Emitter Drip Field – Uncovered Drip Field Covered
Water Reuse (Draft) PA Document - Number Water Reuse Options –Public Access Systems (Golf, Snow Landscape Areas, Parks, Highway Shoulders) –Industrial Systems (dust control, aggregate washing, boiler cool down) –Restricted Areas and Non-Edible Crops (sod farms / pasturelands) –Groundwater Recharge Landscape IrrigationSnow Making Industrial Water
Alternative Collection Systems Small Diameter Pressurized Collection System Using Grinder Pumps ** STEP – Septic Tank Effluent Pump* Vacuum Collection System
Management / Maintenance Options Municipality or Local Agency is Required to Assure Proper Operation and Maintenance. Addressed in Official Act 537 Plans and Revisions. Program provide for Long-Term Operations and Maintenance/ Education/ Inspection.
PADEP Permitted Community Onlot System During Planning the Official Plan or Plan Revision Needs A Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Program Approved by Municipality. Options (one or more) –Bond or Escrow –Agreement: Property Owner and Firm –Agreement: Property Owner and Local Agency –Municipal Ordinance that Establishes and Operation and Maintenance Program –Establishment of an Association, trust or other private legal entity to assure long-term O&M –Municipal Ownership of Facilities –Establishment of Management Agency Under Municipal Codes
Community Land-Based Wastewater Disposal in Pennsylvania Prepared by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG Wilkes University Landscape Irrigation Treated Effluent