Deep Bed Denitrification Performance Cold Weather Operation for Two Northeast WWTPs Presented by: Gary M. Lohse, P.E., Severn Trent Services Ken Wineberg, Severn Trent Services
The Nitrogen Cycle via Biological Processes ORGANIC NITROGEN (Proteins, Urea, etc.) Bacterial Decomposition & Hydrolysis AMMONIA NITROGEN ORGANIC NITROGEN (Bacteria Cells) ORGANIC NITROGEN (Net Growth) O2 Lysis & Auto Oxidation NITRITE (NO2-) O2 NITRATE (NO3-) Denitrification NITROGEN GAS (N2) Organic Carbon
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter General Overview Dissolved nitrate (NO3) is converted to nitrogen gas (N2) Heterotrophic bacteria - Use the O in NO3- as final e- acceptor when free dissolved O2 is not available (anoxic environment) - Need organic carbon source for energy and cell-building - Easy to stop and start - Prefer pH range is neutral – works in range of ~ 6.0 to 8.2 - Need nutrients such as P, often already available in wastewater - Reaction rate affected by temperature, carbon source & potential toxins
Deep Bed Denitrification Severn Trent Services 4
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Profile of Components Media Support Gravel Underdrain BW Air Header BW Air Lateral Sump Cover Plate Sump
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Underdrain system Support Media and Gravel Handle Hydraulic Shocks – minimize possible damage to filter internals Minimize Potential Pluggage in Applications with High Solids Loading or Biological Activity Collect Filtrate in Normal Operating Mode Helps Evenly Distribute BW Air & Water Across Entire Area of the Filter Bed
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Air & Water Flow through underdrain Downflow Operating Mode Upflow Backwash Mode
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Air & Water Distribution System Stainless Steel Box Header Air Laterals, Stainless Steel Protected from Gravel & Media Located Under Snap T BlockTM Arch Located under every other row Water Slot in Sump Cover Located under every other row, where there is no air lateral
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Methanol (carbon) System Tank Volume Standard 21-30 Day Supply @ Average Flow Tank Continuous Level Measurement Tank Low and High Level Methanol Pumps Diaphragm Peristaltic
Supplemental Carbon Control Flow Meter Influent Denitrification Filters Effluent FE Influent Sample Nitrate Analyzer Effluent Sample Controller (MMI) Carbon Feed Pump
Deep Bed Denitrification Filter - Backwash (Solids Removal) 3 Basic Cycles Backwash Air Only: - 1 to 3 min - Backwash Air Rate of 5 CFM/ft2 Backwash Air/Water Scour: - 10 to 15 min (trough overflow time) - Backwash Water Rate of 6 GPM/ft2 Backwash Water Only Rinse: - 5 min
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation- Filtration
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation - Clearwell
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation – Air Backwash
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation – Water Backwash
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation – Air/Water Backwash
Deep Bed Denitrification Operation - Mudwell
Factors Affecting Denitrification Filter Design Influent NO3-N Concentration Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Concentration Low DO Preferred Carbon Source Characteristics & Availability Alkalinity: 50 PPM+ Preferred pH Range: 6-8.2 Preferred 7.0-7.5 Optimum Presence of Nutrients and/or Toxins Temperature Reaction Time: Empty Bed Detention Time (EBDT)
Scituate, Massachusetts Commissioned in 2000
Scituate, Massachusetts
Denitrification Filter Design Criteria Design Value Average flow: 1.60 mgd Max day flow: 2.36 mgd Peak hour flow: 4.34 mgd Average TSS: 15 mg/L Average NO3-N: 13 mg/L Temperature: 8 deg Celsius Plant Effluent TSS: 5 mg/L NO3-N: 0.5 mg/L TN: 4 mg/L Denitrification Filters Average hydraulic loading 1.22 gpm/sf Peak hydraulic loading 3.30 gpm/sf 12 month rolling average
Methanol System Scituate WWTP Filter System
Average Operating Data April 2001Through November 2006 Flow Rate Average: 1.22 mgd Max day: 3.54 mgd Peak hour: 4.20 mgd Plant Effluent (Average) CBOD: 3.1 mg/L TSS: 4.5 mg/L TN: 2.9 mg/L Denitrification Filters Average hydraulic loading: 0.70 gpm/sf Peak hydraulic loading: 2.40 gpm/sf 12 month rolling average
Cold Temperature Operating Data Scituate WWTP April 2001 Through November 2006 Flow (mgd) WW Temp (deg C) CBOD (mg/L) TSS TN Dec 1.45 13 2.5 5.2 2.40 Jan 1.40 11 2.1 3.5 3.11 Feb 1.26 10 2.4 3.8 2.47 Mar 1.34 3.7 3.3 2.50 Apr 1.60 3.1 4.5 2.76 May 1.47 3.0 4.1 3.20 Average 1.42 11.3 2.8 2.74
Cold Temperature Operating Data Scituate WWTP Dec 2006 Through May 2007 Flow (mgd) WW Temp (deg C) Influent NO3-N (mg/L) Effluent Dec 06 1.18 11.3 10.1 0.33 Jan 07 1.23 9.2 11.2 0.30 Feb 07 0.94 7.6 12.2 0.18 Mar 07 1.57 8.7 8.8 0.38 Apr 07 2.12 9.4 6.9 0.49 May 07 1.43 12.7 8.0 0.48 Average 1.41 13.0 9.5 0.36
Allegany County, Maryland Celanese WWTP Commissioned in 2005
Allegany County, MD Celanese WWTP 2.86 MGD Design Clarifiers Single Stage Activated Sludge Denitrification Filters Head Works
Denitrification Filter Design Criteria Design Value Average flow: 1.66 mgd Max Month flow: 2.86 mgd Peak hour flow: 6.6 mgd Average TSS: 30 mg/L Average NO3-N: 26 mg/L Temperature: 11 deg Celsius Plant Effluent TSS: 5 mg/L NO3-N: 2 mg/L TN: 3 mg/L Denitrification Filters Average hydraulic loading 2.6 gpm/sf Peak hydraulic loading 6.0 gpm/sf Annual Average
Cold Temperature Operating Data Celanese WWTP Dec 2009 Through May 2012 Flow ADF (mgd) WW Temp (deg C) CBOD (mg/L) TSS NOx-N TN Dec 1.70 12.5 2.0 3.3 1.7 3.7 Jan 1.68 11.5 3.0 1.6 Feb 1.78 10.9 2.3 1.1 Mar 2.11 10.6 2.7 0.7 Apr 1.71 11.9 4.3 0.4 1.8 May 1.64 12.9 4.0 1.4 Average 1.77 11.7 3.1 2.9 1.0
Additional Cold Weather Deep Bed Denitrification filters New York – 2 Pennsylvania – 2 Maryland – 5 Virginia – 8 Massachusetts – 4 Colorado – 1 California – 2 (High Elevations)
Conclusion Deep beds allow maximum ability for solids to be captured providing for consistently low TSS and turbidity effluents with a varying load of TSS Filter media becomes attachment site for denitrifying bacteria in which dissolved nitrate (NO3) is converted to nitrogen gas (N2) providing nitrogen removal through a biological process Need organic carbon source for energy and cell-building and nutrients such as P, often already available in wastewater Backwash water is typically only 2 – 4 % of forward flow. Lower backwash consumption and recycle cuts plant operating costs and increases plant capacity. Reaction rate affected by temperature, carbon source & potential toxins Deep Bed Denitrification filters can achieve TSS of below 4 mg/l and TN limits of below 3 mg/l even in cold climates
Cold Weather Deep Bed Denitrification Filters Questions?????? CONTACT: Gary M. Lohse, P.E. Regional Sales Manager Severn Trent Services 3000 Advance Lane Colmar, Pa 18915 Cell: (215) 859 - 3814 Direct: (215) 997-4052 Fax: (215) 997-4062 Email: