Brief introduction about Segovia Segovia is a city in Spain, the capital of the province of Segovia in Castile- Leon. It is situated about an hour north of Madrid. Segovia is a city in Spain, the capital of the province of Segovia in Castile- Leon. It is situated about an hour north of Madrid.SpainSegoviaCastile- LeonMadridSpainSegoviaCastile- LeonMadrid It has over inhabitants and an extension of 163'6 km². It has over inhabitants and an extension of 163'6 km². Raul Cabrero Course WWTP 2006/07
Brief introduction about Segovia The old city is spectacularly situated atop a long, narrow promontory. It contains a wealth of monuments, including the cathedral, a famous ancient Roman aqueduct, the Alcázar, and various churches built in the Romanesque style cathedral Roman aqueductcathedral Roman aqueduct
Brief introduction about Segovia
Pump control room From this room we control the speed of the screw pumps From this room we control the speed of the screw pumps
Variable speed pump motors
Screw pumps - The screw pumps lift raw sewage approximately 22 feet to a channel above the pumps. - From there the sewage can flow by gravity through the comminutor and remainder of the wastewater treatment plant. - The pumps are in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Laboratory In the laboratory they analize samples of waste water. In the laboratory they analize samples of waste water.
Aerated Grit Tank
The grit tank removes heavy inorganic materials such as sand, grit, egg shells, road pavement and glass from sewage flows. The rolling action in the tank is produced by diffused air introduced at the bottom of the tank. Degritted sewage overflows the tank's effluent weir and continues on to the primary clarifiers' division box.
Primary Clarifiers The primary clarifiers provide the facilities to remove the settleable and floatable solids from the wastewater. The primary clarifiers provide the facilities to remove the settleable and floatable solids from the wastewater. Effluent clarifier water passes over the effluent weirs and is directed to the rotating biological contactors. Effluent clarifier water passes over the effluent weirs and is directed to the rotating biological contactors.
Scum Collection Box Flotable solids, such as grease and scum, rise to the top of the tanks. Flotable solids, such as grease and scum, rise to the top of the tanks. The scum and other floating materials is skimmed from the surface by the sludge scraping mechanism and is removed from the clarifiers to the scum collection box by means of a rotating pipe skimmer. The scum and other floating materials is skimmed from the surface by the sludge scraping mechanism and is removed from the clarifiers to the scum collection box by means of a rotating pipe skimmer.
Aerobic Digesters The four aerobic digesters stabilize primary and secondary sludge by oxidation to the point where it may be dewatered and thickened then transferred to the dewatering press. The four aerobic digesters stabilize primary and secondary sludge by oxidation to the point where it may be dewatered and thickened then transferred to the dewatering press. Sludge is mixed with air and microorganisms Sludge is mixed with air and microorganisms Digested sludge is drawn from the bottom of the tanks with the sludge pump in the dewatering room where sludge is concentrated on the belt filter press. Digested sludge is drawn from the bottom of the tanks with the sludge pump in the dewatering room where sludge is concentrated on the belt filter press.
Rotating Biological Contactors
Settled sewage from the primary clarifiers flows through an 18-inch cast iron pipe to the biosystem influent box. Settled sewage from the primary clarifiers flows through an 18-inch cast iron pipe to the biosystem influent box. There it is split between 2 rows There it is split between 2 rows Each row consists of two shafts set parallel to the flow. Each row consists of two shafts set parallel to the flow.
Secondary Clarifiers The secondary clarifiers provide the necessary detention time and collection equipment to settle and remove the biological solids (sludge) from the bio-system mixed liquor. The secondary clarifiers provide the necessary detention time and collection equipment to settle and remove the biological solids (sludge) from the bio-system mixed liquor. The clarified water passes over the effluent weirs and is directed to the final chlorine contact tanks. The clarified water passes over the effluent weirs and is directed to the final chlorine contact tanks.
Sand filtration beds Slow sand filters are used in water purification for treating raw water to produce a potable product. Slow sand filters are used in water purification for treating raw water to produce a potable product.water purificationraw water purificationraw water They are typically 1 to 2 metres deep, can be rectangular or cylindrical in cross section and are used primarily to treat surface water. They are typically 1 to 2 metres deep, can be rectangular or cylindrical in cross section and are used primarily to treat surface water.
Chlorine Contact Tanks The chlorination system provide chlorine solution for the disinfection of plant effluent. The chlorination system provide chlorine solution for the disinfection of plant effluent. There is a flow proportioning chlorine system for the chlorine to maintain a residual below the daily average of 0.55mg/L. There is a flow proportioning chlorine system for the chlorine to maintain a residual below the daily average of 0.55mg/L.
Sodium Thiosulfate tanks Sodium Thiosulfate is used to neutralize the chlorine in the effluent following the disinfection process. Sodium Thiosulfate is used to neutralize the chlorine in the effluent following the disinfection process.
Flow Metering System The depth varies with the flow rate and as the float moves a proportional signal is sent by the transmitter to a receiver mounted in the flow-indicating panel in the main control building. The depth varies with the flow rate and as the float moves a proportional signal is sent by the transmitter to a receiver mounted in the flow-indicating panel in the main control building.
Polymer injection system To mix sludge with polymers in the belt press. To mix sludge with polymers in the belt press.
Filter Belt Dewatering Press Sludge from the aerobic digesters is pumped to the dewatering press. Sludge from the aerobic digesters is pumped to the dewatering press. There the sludge is mixed with polymers, spread out on a fabric belt, and increasingly compressed by a series of rollers. There the sludge is mixed with polymers, spread out on a fabric belt, and increasingly compressed by a series of rollers. A conveyor belt then carries the dewatered sludge to a semi-tralier for ultimate disposal by means of being land applied on farm fields. A conveyor belt then carries the dewatered sludge to a semi-tralier for ultimate disposal by means of being land applied on farm fields.
Semi-trailer with sludge To transport the sludge to another place To transport the sludge to another place
Output/cooling channel