ENVIRONMENT ECONOMIC SOCIAL Consistent Sales & EPS Growth Ingredient Mapping Product Profile Database Raw Material Guidance Council Use Dilution MSDS Regional CSR Initiatives Expanding Diverse Supplier Spend 6 Years of Sustainability Reporting LEED Certified R,D&E Center Climate Leaders Commitment CDP Reporting Global Regulatory REACH, GS1, GHS, CLP, etc. Expanding Ethical Sourcing Surveys Increased Outreach to Green Investors Expanding ISO Certification Expanding GO/NGO Partnerships Global Water. Effluent & Waste Goals Further Integrated TIA into BU Messaging Culture & Inclusion Initiated DRIVING PROGRESS & DELIVERING RESULTS Building blocks of progress 2008 – today
55 As a member of the US EPA’s Climate Leaders program, we have set a goal to reduce our US GHG emissions by 20% per dollar sales from 2006 to 2012 We are expanding our GHG inventories beyond the scope of our Climate Leaders reporting to include US business travel and global manufacturing emissions ECOLAB OPERATIONAL ENHANCEMENTS We are committed to reducing our Greenhouse Gas emissions Strategies for our fleet include : –Purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles and more hybrid, gasoline electric and diesel electric vehicles –Training associates on sustainable driving behaviors –Reducing miles driven via management of routes and territories –Increasing our use of bio-fuels and exploring the feasibility of new and stacked technologies such as fuel cell, plug-in hybrids
666 ECOLAB OPERATIONAL ENHANCEMENTS We pledge to reduce global water consumption, disposable waste and effluent water by 18 percent per metric tonne of shipped product from 2009 to 2015 In 2008: – We reduced water consumption by 12% in our plants worldwide over 2007 – We achieved a 19% reduction in liquid effluent discharges in our plants worldwide over 2007 – Our North American locations reduced hazardous and solid waste by nearly 15%; our European locations reduced waste by more than 20% 42% of Ecolab facilities worldwide are ISO certified – with more coming
HIGHLIGHTS LEED Certification Ecolab’s corporate Research, Development and Engineering Center on the Allan L. Schuman Campus in Eagan, Minn., was awarded LEED-EB Gold Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council LEED is the leading benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings 7
ECOLAB SUSTAINABILITY GOALS Sustain continuous growth of our business Improve associate safety performance Expand documentation requirements of our Ethical Sourcing Standards Reduce US GHG emissions by 20% per dollar sales from 2006 to 2012 Reduce global water consumption, disposed waste and effluent water by 18% per metric tonne of shipped product from 2009 to 2015 Execute our three year plan for Culture and Inclusion Measure, monitor and continuously improve progress on our performance metrics Deliver global regulatory initiatives As a founding member of the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative, help lead and shape product and company identification standards that improve food and patient safety