RegulationStatus First phase GHG regulation (endangerment finding, GHG permitting) Rules adopted. Affirmed on appeal. Petitions for rehearing pending. CSAPR (interstate transport of SO2 and NOx)Rules adopted. Overturned on appeal. Petitions for rehearing pending. UMACT (hazardous air pollutants)Rules adopted. On appeal. Regional haze -East: compliance with CSAPR constitutes compliance with retrofit requirements -West: FIPs in certain states -Rules adopted, but on hold pending final judicial action. -Litigation. Coal ashRules proposed. 3
RegulationStatus 316(b) cooling water intake structuresRules proposed. Ambient air quality standardsSO2 and NO2 final, affirmed on appeal. PM2.5 proposed, not yet final. Ozone not yet proposed. GHG new source performance standards (NSPS) for power plants -Rule proposed but not yet final for new plants. -- -Rule not yet proposed for modified and existing (not modified) powerplants. Effluent GuidelinesNo proposal. 4
RegulationEPA GoalTiming CSAPRReverse court decision or replace CSAPR with something comparable Court action on rehearing early next year UMACT Existing units New Units -Convince court to affirm on appeal -Finalize new rule -Court decision expected 1 st Q /13 Coal AshFinalize rule? 316(b)Finalize ruleConsent decree deadline of June
RegulationEPA GoalTiming Regional haze East West -Depends on CSAPR -Defend FIPs or settle -Depends on CSAPR Ambient air quality standards-Finalize PM2.5 NAAQS -Propose and finalize ozone NAAQS -Implementaton -Mid-December GHG NSPS-Finalize new unit rule -Propose and finalize rule for existing and modified units -Probably sooner rather than later -Probably 2013 Effluent GuidelinesFinalize ruleProposal in next few months? 8
13 Peter Glaser George Sugiyama