Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre 1 Dynamic Imaging of Reaction at Reservoir Conditions, Considering the Influence of Chemical Heterogeneity in Carbonates Al-Khulaifi, Y.A.; Blunt, M.J.; Bijeljic, B. Pore-Scale Consortium Jan 2015
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Research objectives 2 Pore-scale Darcy/continuum scale Reservoir-scale Figure 2 Upscaling. Figure adopted from [Rhodes, M. 2008] Figure 1 Flow patterns changing with reaction rate. [Gharbi, O. et al. 2013]
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre 3 Figure 3 BP Statistical Review, 2007; Schlumberger Market Analysis, Background CO2 storage in carbonates World’s carbonate reservoirs Hold 50% of oil, 40% of gas Middle East carbonates Hold 70% of oil, 90% of gas Figure 4 Storage reservoir. From (Black et al., 2014)
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre 4 Figure 5 Flooding apparatus. form [Menke, H. 2014] High temperature/high pressure flooding apparatus Experimental conditions: -P = 10MPa (1450 psi) -T = 50 ºC (122 ºF) Brine Composition: -1% KCl, 5% NaCl -CO 2 saturated at: 10Mpa, 50 ºC Sampling point
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Characterization of dissolution regimes 5 - Péclet Number: [Luquot & Gouze, 2009] - Damköhler Number: [Luquot & Gouze, 2009] Experiments will maintain temperature and CO 2 brine constant; and only change flow rate from one experiment to the other Figure 6 modified from [Menke, H., 2014]
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Image processing 6 A – Raw Image 3.8 μm voxel size B – Filtered Image Non-Local Means C – Segmented Image Watershed segmentation D – Difference Image Registered then subtracted A B CD Figure 7 Ketton image processing from [Menke, H., 2014]
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Effluent analysis With ICP-MS 7 Figure 8 Nu Plasma ICP-MS from [ Before experiment Post-experiment effluent collected Completely dissolve representative rock sample in acid Rock sample composition Nu Plasma ICP-MS Effluent analysis
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Mineral-specific segmentation Heterogeneity determination 8 Grey scale filtered micro- CT image 5 phase segmentation Figure 9 Micro CT images form (Lai, P. 2014) CalciteDolomite Minerals CaCO 3 CaMg(CO 3 ) 3 Molar mass (g/mol) Density (g/cc) (Avg. 2.84) Studying the Petrography Mineral spatial distribution determination through x-ray micro CT. Achieve mineral- specific segmentation with a phase representing each mineral present Challenge: optimizing grey-scale contrast of the images Pore Feldspar Others Kaolinite Quartz
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Reported mineral reaction rates and surface areas 9 Figure 11 Range of mineral surface area reported in the literature; BET analysis (blue bars), microCT imaging & modelling (green bars). From [Black et al., 2014] Figure 10 Range of mineral reaction rates at 60 o C reported in the literature; low CO 2 concentration (green bars), pH 4 (blue bars), high CO 2 concentrations (red bars). From [Black et al., 2014]
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Challenges Limitations of X-ray microtomography Getting big enough fluid sample for effluent analysis Using big mm core samples leading to longer scan time, less resolution and difficulty with image processing Finding representative samples of different mineral heterogeneity 10
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre 11 Lad Micro-CT Thank you Synchrotron Beam Line Flow Cell in Lad Based Micro CT
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre References 1.Black, J. R., S. A. Carroll and R. R. Haese "Rates of mineral dissolution under CO2 storage conditions." Chemical Geology(0). 2.BP Statistical Review, 2007; Schlumberger Market Analysis, Luquot, L., and Gouze, Ph. - Experimental determination of porosity and permeability changes induced by massive injection of CO2 into carbonate reservoirs. Chemical Geology. doi: /j.chemgeo (2009). 4.Maheshwari, P., R. R. Ratnakar, N. Kalia and V. Balakotaiah (2013). "3-D simulation and analysis of reactive dissolution and wormhole formation in carbonate rocks." Chemical Engineering Science 90(0): Menke, H., B. Bijeljic, M. Andrew and M. J. Blunt (2013). "Dynamic pore-scale imaging of reactive transport in heterogeneous carbonates at reservoir conditions." ScienceDirect: 9. 12