Sequencing batch reactors Used to treat Wine cellar effluent Andrew Hulsman (HWT)
About 8.5% of Western Cape GDP 709 million litres produced in to 8 litres water per litre wine 100 million litres effluent per day A ton cellar discharges the COD equivalent of the daily sewage produced from a town of people Wine industry contribution to our economy
Wine waste water Beneficial reuse Various treatment methods Wine Cellar Vineyards
Various treatment methods Wine waste water Low pH High COD Variable EC Fluctuating flow rate Pips & skins
Various treatment methods Beneficial reuse COD < 400 pH neutral
Flow formsFine solids removalLime dosingAerated bioreactorReed bedScreeningBeneficial reuse Grape pips and skinsFilter aids, leespH neutralLower cod,nutrientsBuffer, disinfectUnravel, revitalizeCrop irrigation
Bioreactor design Sequencing batch reactors Practical Economical Small footprint Automatic operation (PLC)
Sequencing batch reactors
Bioreactor design Sequencing batch reactors
Bioreactor design Sequencing batch reactors FillingAerationSettlingDraining TWL Cycle time LWL
Bioreactor design Determined by flow and load
dO dT OUR = dO/dT (mgO/l/hr) Bioreactor design Determining the oxygen requirement
Bioreactor design Differing oxygen demand
Bioreactor design Aerobic digestion
Bioreactor design Biomass changes through year
Maintenance During the pressing the winemakers Make good wine Ignore the wastewater treatment plant
Practical Yes, except if not used Economical Yes if < 500 kl/d Small footprint Automatic operation (PLC) yes, except during power failure Work well with Regular maintenance Reed beds Sequencing batch reactors
Thank you
Wine Cellar Effluent Treatment 1000 Tons
Wine Cellar Effluent Treatment