Firstly……… Congratulations to the Plymouth Manufacturing REC! For UK manufacturing as a whole - waste costs c£30 billion/year Imagine the impact a slice of this will make to Plymouth companies?
ENVIROWISE W orking in partnership across the region Eric Banks Envirowise Advisor South West Region
Presentation overview What is Envirowise? On-site Services Other services
What is Envirowise? UK-wide Government-funded programme Led by industry Co-ordinated by DEFRA – programme value £14M Primarily funded by the Business Resource Efficiency & Waste (BREW) programme
What does Envirowise do? Provide businesses with a range of environmental services Aim - to improve competitiveness and productivity These services are FREE These services are CONFIDENTIAL These services CARRY NO OBLIGATIONS
Envirowise – Delivery A range of tailored advice to suit a business’ needs via: Telephone Website Site Visits
Envirowise – Delivery Focus: Get business to minimise waste and use resources efficiently Some businesses lose ~4% of turnover on waste Potential savings can be up to £1000 per employee per business Savings identified since in excess of £1.3 Billion
Easily Identified Costs Hidden Costs Why think about waste - when skips are cheap! “Water Charges” “Effluent Charges” “Sewerage Charges” Cost of raw materials in effluent Cost of labour Cost of consumables in effluent Cost of wasted energy, e.g. pumping Loss in sales value Cost of treatment True cost of waste is 10 – 20 times the cost of disposal
Key Services Free site visits Seminars, workshops & campaigns Free publications Environment and Energy helpline /
Envirowise Site visits - 1 Fast Track Visits - Provide 8 hours free consultancy - Help to identify avoidable waste - Provide a list of cost saving opportunities - Identify quick, low-cost savings actions
Envirowise Site visits - 2 Design Track Visits - Savings through Smart Design - Whole life cycle analysis from manufacture to end of use - Includes Packaging
Envirowise Site visits - 3 Counselling Visits - 4-hours - Can be arranged on any issue, e.g. Hazardous Waste, Effluent, WEEE, Packaging, etc. - Report provided
Seminars / Workshops & Campaigns Envirowise host 200+ events a year in UK Update & registration via the website - Campaigns - On sectors and issues of high importance, e.g. Water Saving Nationally and regionally Resource Efficiency Clubs (RECs)
Free publications and guides Over 450 publications available via: - post - (PDF file) - CD-Rom Best Practice guides for industrial sectors Guides and tools for intermediaries and business support organisations
Environment & Energy Helpline Call with any environmental query - response from technical experts. Or for further information look at the website -
Examples of Success Burt's Chips, Devon Fast Track identified waste issues £22,000 saved in flavourings £25,000 potential with better process
So good luck to the Plymouth Manufacturing REC ! We’re here to support you. Contact: Paul Gilbert Regional Manager SW