fluidyn -FLOWSOL March D numerical simulation of surface flows
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Introduction Water quality : environment protection water distribution water distribution industrial emissions industrial emissions Accidental pollution increase Numerical simulation of pollutant species in rivers and seas
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST fluidyn -FLOWOIL Oil (non-miscible) pollution fluidyn -FLOWPOL Miscible pollution 2 Modules
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Numerical model Based on CFD : Navier Stokes 3D equations Based on CFD : Navier Stokes 3D equations Mixing and stratification in near and far fields. Mixing and stratification in near and far fields. Transient phenomena (tides) Transient phenomena (tides) Degrading down to 1D or 2D possible Degrading down to 1D or 2D possible
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Features Interactive generation of bathymetry Interactive generation of bathymetry Automatic generation of curvilinear mesh Automatic generation of curvilinear mesh Transient boundary conditions (water levels and flow rates) Transient boundary conditions (water levels and flow rates) Effects of wind, dissolution, evaporation Effects of wind, dissolution, evaporation Pollutant transport and dispersion Pollutant transport and dispersion Density variation (Boussinesq), salinity, temperature Density variation (Boussinesq), salinity, temperature stratification (thermal plumes). stratification (thermal plumes). Chemical database Chemical database Islands and obstacles (bridges, dams, etc). Islands and obstacles (bridges, dams, etc).
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST INPUT Model creation Emission Inventory Terrain data SOLVER Mesh Currents study Transport Dispersion (Navier-Stokes) OUTPUT Currents Pollutant maps Concentration evolution Features
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Input data Bathymetry (linear and transverse sections). Bathymetry (linear and transverse sections). Roughness (based on Manning coefficient). Roughness (based on Manning coefficient). Slope. Slope. Upstream and downstream hydraulic conditions (water Upstream and downstream hydraulic conditions (water and height). and height). Emission data (time, mass…variable with respect to time) Emission data (time, mass…variable with respect to time) Product characteristics (density, lifetime, diffusion Product characteristics (density, lifetime, diffusion coefficients). coefficients).
Application examples Simulation of an oil slick in the Tamise estuary fluidyn -FLOWOIL fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Case description fluidyn -FLOWCOAST The main objective of this study is to analyze the The main objective of this study is to analyze the environmental consequences of a crude petrol leak in the environmental consequences of a crude petrol leak in the Tamise. Tamise. The leak is accidental and due to a canalization rupture in The leak is accidental and due to a canalization rupture in a Tanker a Tanker The source is situated near a river bank The source is situated near a river bank The flow in the Tamise estuary is influenced by the tide The flow in the Tamise estuary is influenced by the tide cycles cycles
Study domain fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Bathymetric Contours
Numerical Model of the terrain fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Bathymetric contours fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Terrain and Flow data fluidyn -FLOWCOAST The maximum depth reached in the estuary is 14.8 m. The maximum depth reached in the estuary is 14.8 m. The bathymetric bottom is sandy with a D50 of 1.5 mm. The bathymetric bottom is sandy with a D50 of 1.5 mm. The Manning roughness coefficient is taken at 0.1. The Manning roughness coefficient is taken at 0.1. The flow boundary conditions are unsteady and variable The flow boundary conditions are unsteady and variable with respect to the tide cycles with respect to the tide cycles
Emission data fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Fluid : Crude Fluid : Crude Quantity : 1000 tons Quantity : 1000 tons Fluid density : 900 Kg/m3 (at 150 C) Fluid density : 900 Kg/m3 (at 150 C) Kinetic viscosity : m2/s Kinetic viscosity : m2/s Ambient air temperature : 13 °C Ambient air temperature : 13 °C Lifetime Lifetime The product source is a pipeline of diameter 40 cm The product source is a pipeline of diameter 40 cm
3D Mesh fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Study of currents fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity Vectors (m/s) Surface velocity vectors after 1 hour
Study of currents fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity Vectors (m/s) Surface velocity vectors after 2 hours
Study of currents fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity Vectors (m/s) Surface velocity vectors after 4 hours
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity Vectors (m/s) Surface velocity vectors after 6 hours Study of currents
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity Vectors (m/s) Surface velocity vectors after 8 hours Study of currents
Dispersion fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Oil Concentration (kg/m 3 ) Concentration after 2 hours
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Concentration after 4 hours Oil Concentration (kg/m 3 ) Dispersion
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Oil Concentration (kg/m 3 ) Concentration after 6 hours Dispersion
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Oil Concentration (kg/m 3 ) Concentration after 8 hours Dispersion
Example fluidyn -FLOWCOAST fluidyn -FLOWPOL Dispersion of pollutant layer in the river Seine
Case description fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Linear hydrocarbons over 5 km. Linear hydrocarbons over 5 km. Presence of an island. Presence of an island. Injection of kg of Rhodamine during 57 min. Injection of kg of Rhodamine during 57 min. Expected results: Expected results: transport time transport time distribution between the two arms of the river distribution between the two arms of the river evolution of transversal distribution in course of time evolution of transversal distribution in course of time
Domain and bathymetry fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Bathymetry generation from 10 cross profiles
3D Mesh fluidyn -FLOWCOAST 100 grids lengthwise, 15 width wise, 6 in depth. Unrefined structured curvilinear mesh
fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Between the injection point and the island: no curvatures or major bathymetric variations : relatively invariant hydrological fields. From the island tip : brusque variation in bathymetry: influences the tracer distribution. Study of currents
Dispersion fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Concentration after 2 and 6 hours
Concentration after 8 and 10 hours Dispersion fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Example fluidyn -FLOWCOAST fluidyn-FLOWPOL Dispersion of industrial effluents in the Seine
Context fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Industrial effluent discharge in Seine waters Industrial effluent discharge in Seine waters Designing an immersed diffuser (type of emission) to limit the effluent concentration in the Seine Designing an immersed diffuser (type of emission) to limit the effluent concentration in the Seine
Methodology fluidyn -FLOWCOAST 3D numerical modeling of flow in Seine 3D numerical modeling of flow in Seine Addition of emission sources (diffusers) Addition of emission sources (diffusers) Monitoring effluent concentrations Monitoring effluent concentrations Selection of diffuser to install Selection of diffuser to install
Geometry fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Geometry / bathymetry construction from IGN map and the cross profiles of the Seine over the selected zone (28 along the plot)
Mesh fluidyn -FLOWCOAST 3D curvilinear, unstructured mesh in order to conform to the 3D curvilinear, unstructured mesh in order to conform to the bathymetry bathymetry Fine mesh at emission source level Fine mesh at emission source level Input section mesh (upstream limit) Output section mesh (downstream limit)
Mesh fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Surface mesh
Hydraulic data fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Mean situationWater level situation Mean flow80,6 m 3 /sWater flow14,7 m 3 /s Water height 60,66 NGF (lNormal Retention level ) Water height 60,66 NGF (Normal Retention level) Modeling 2 currentology situations
Study of currents fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Surface velocity fields(m/s) Velocity fields (m/s) at river bed
Study of currents fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Velocity fields (m/s) at the inlet Velocity fields (m/s) at outlet
Emission Data fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Many outlet types and positions possible
Emission data fluidyn -FLOWCOAST
Dispersion results fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Surface concentration contours in mg/l Outlet concentration contours in mg/l
Dispersion results fluidyn -FLOWCOAST Concentration iso-surface in mg/l