The world and all that is in it belongs to God. The earth and all that live in it are His. Every living being proclaims the glory of God. The world and.


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Presentation transcript:

The world and all that is in it belongs to God. The earth and all that live in it are His. Every living being proclaims the glory of God. The world and all that is in it belongs to God. The earth and all that live in it are His. Every living being proclaims the glory of God.

The forest is a place where every living creature enjoys their life, and make a peaceful living. It teaches us that nature is a wonderland.

Have you ever watched a honey comb closely? Honey encompasses complexity of shapes, activities and products. Every person is a mixture of varieties of attitudes, shapes, activities.

Honey combs are usually found on the rocks, branches of the trees, even on building roof tops.

It is interesting to note the efficiency of the bees in shaping the comb, in almost perfect geometrical shapes. Don’t we do our daily duties in striving towards perfection?

Love, unity, perseverance and faithfulness are the characteristics of living together. As insect-architects, honey bees show us ways of building a community based on these qualities. If one part of the comb is destroyed, the bees work together to rebuild immediately.

No hive can exist for long without a queen and drones. The queen is the life-giving source in the beehive. How much do we recognise the centrality of the person of Jesus in our lives?

The honeycomb is made up of raw materials like the mud, wood, plant materials, their own silk, wax and saliva. We are made from the earth. But, we are made in the image of God. It is the image of God that makes us great.

When a bee finds a honey-laden flower, it carries it and takes it to the hive. It then comes back with a band of bees to collect the remaining honey from the flowers. We are the bearers of honey, the Good News to others. We not only bear the Good News but, pass it to others.

Every bee has a scent bottle in its abdomen. Upon discovering a nectar source, it leaves a trace of scent, the bee’s own ‘trademark’ deposited on the flower. Other bees find this through ‘instinct’ and carries the remaining honey from the nectar. We have an identity. Is our identity known to others? How much do we work at it?

Bees take up various roles in building the comb: comb builder, nurse, forager etc. as the days pass by, their job descriptions are exchanged. Accepting changes in our duties is at times challenging. Are we flexible in our job descriptions? Are we willing to make necessary changes?

Though the honeybee looks ugly, its work is perfect and beautiful. Every effort of the honeybee is useful. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Honey and the comb are used for several purposes: medicine, food, and wax. How much good are we producing? How much do we make ourselves useful for others?

Points for further reflection. Be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. Mt.5: 48. how much am I striving towards perfection? 1.By its fruit you shall know the tree. Read Mt. 7: Our identity is from God. We are sealed by the Spirit. Read 2Cor. 1:21-22.

Script, Concept, research: Tertians of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate, Thambuchettipalaya, Digitalisation: Gilbert Choondal sdb

This programme is the copyright of Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdb. You are free to use ths for non-commercial purposes. If you use commercially (either in parts, full or changed format), please do get his permission. Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdb Kristu Jyoti College, Krishna Raja Puram Post Bangalore – Karnataka India Mobile: Website: