Barking Park Assessment: How can we improve Barking Park so that it can be awarded Green Flag Status? Umera and Charanpreet
What is Barking Park like now? What Braking Park is like Now Exceedingly large Many Different areas Skate park For teenagers Child area Beautiful greenery Tennis area with Sometimes tennis Lessons for anyone Football and Rugby pitch A memorial wall A lake with lots of lovely ducks
Good Points? The good point of Barking park is that there is an area for children to keep occupied.There are many beautiful flowers, trees and wildlife that surrounds the park. There is a skate park next to a basketball court and the children play area. There are provided places for all at the lovely park.
Bad Points? The bad points about Barking Park is that the toilets are absolutely foul and the is no place you can get drinking water, there is no public telephone for emergencies and no first aid area. The old paddling pool is closed, there is not an area for dogs and there is rubbish in the lake Overall the green flag criteria shows that for that section it was either a 1 or a 2 or a 3.
What we would plan in Barking Park for the future. List your proposals here. Our proposal is to make a picnic area any where, to re- use to old paddling pool for a mini motor boat area for anyone,they can rent it for an hour. They can rent it from a little stall managed by a voluntary member. There could be a quad bike area What are the key criteria that need to be addressed in order for Barking Park to gain Green Flag status? In order to get more green flag points you should make a health and safety area, plus more clean toilets.
1 st Proposal WHAT: Our first proposal is to …… improve the park by… improving the equipment by Repainting the faded equipment WHERE: We will do it…… we will do it on the skate park area by taking off the graffiti,and the play area WHY: This will…. Attract more visitors and make it appealing place to be. WHO: This will appeal to … it will appeal to everyone of any age because it will be a nice place to be in HOW: This will help Barking Park fulfil the Green Flag Criteria…by making the points for used by the community because it will be used often by anyone
2 nd Proposal: WHAT :Our second proposal is to put little fences around the lake WHERE: We will do it around the lake area WHY: So that little children don’t fall in or any dogs too. WHO: It will effect the parents, dog owners and maybe elderly people. HOW: This will boost up the green flag criteria because some people may feel safer around the lake with children or dogs.
3 rd Proposal: WHAT: Our third proposal is to make the old paddling pool into a little mini motor boat area for anyone WHERE: We can do it near the lake on the top of the hill and where the old pool is WHY: We should do it because people can pay a pond an hour and the park could get more money for the park WHO: This will effect everyone because there can be an activity for adults and everyone to HOW: This will boost up the mark for the green flag criteria because then everyone can use it including adults because sometimes they have nothing to do.
Conclusion Overall how will these proposals help Barking Park to gain Green Flag status. Also many people will enjoy going to the park now days because it is much more interesting.