La Nativité HEY EWE 2000 years ago King Herod made a very big decision. ‘I have decided to conduct a census’ Mary and Joseph led a donkey on the road to Bethlehem.
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Joseph.
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Marie.
Non, non, non. Je n’ai pas de chambres, mais j’ai une étable.
The curious sheep said ‘I know something exciting is going to happen I can feel it in my tummy.’ The whole flock shouted ‘taisez-vous!’
On a hillside, just outside Bethlehem, were some Shepherds looking after their sheep.
‘Listen to me. I am the Angel of God I bring you good news of great joy. This night a baby will be born in Bethlehem you must go and worship Him’.
Suivre l'étoile! Regardez le ciel !
The shepherds and the Wise Men found the stable and the new king. Voici le petit bébé. Bonjour Jésus.
Joyeux Noël des Classes Fourmis et Abeilles.