by Nick Hornby Recommended by Sara Marquez, Alias blanco, Jocelyn Salgero & Stephanie Recommended by, Sara Marquez, Alias Blanco, Jocelyn Salgero & Stephanie
Who is the main character? Name; Slam Age; skate-sborder,Student,Dad. -Jejune, tender, kind. “You could have guessed that I skate, and you could have guessed that my best subject at school was art and design’’(Hornby 2).
Who is a supporting character? -Alicia Age: 15 Only daughter in her family, student, mom. Smart, Out going, confident. ‘’she was officially gorgeous, she had still has these enormous grey eyes that have caused me actual physical pain once or twice somewhere between the throat and the chest. And she’s got this amazing straw-colored hair that always looks messy and cool at the same time and she’s tall but she’s not skinny and flat chested like a lot tall girls, and she’s not taller than me…’’(Hornby 44).
Setting (Time, Place, Environment, Etc.): Main Conflict: What is the story about? setting- New York, hanstings,Sam’s & Alicia's house, Starbucks. After falling in love with beautiful Alicia, Sam gets bored of her and ends up breaking up few days later Alicia finds out she’s pregnant.
Love “And I stood up, and she started to cry,and I dint know what to do” (Hornby44 ). We chosed this because he wasn’t really ready for sex, maybe he was but he tried to do right choose for both of them.
Describe exciting/powerful/important event /scene Explain why you selected this scene to describe/ why is it important in the story?
Heartbreaking... ‘’Listen, said Alicia. I know you got sick of me’’ ‘’ No, no it wasn't that.’’ I said. But it was.. (Hornby 150) This scene is really important because, both of them are going through a really bad situation, it’s sad how Sam lost feelings for Alicia, and they went through a lot and all of a sudden their love just faded away.. But there stuck with a baby. So there's no way out of this.
Connections ; -Yourself -Couples -Parents/family members -Girls ending up getting pregnant -peer pressure In this book you can actually have a lot of connections, in so many easy ways, for example, when your dating, and end up breaking up or something as easier as when you have a crush on someone.
Why should you read this book? *You can Learn so many things and Facts about having a relationship. You realize that having sex might not be a really easy chose to make.. You learn what the consequences are. This teenagers' are around our age, so we can get a better understanding. We can connect to them in so many different ways.