Free time Holidays
F REE TIME In my free time I usually watch TV, play computer games, read books, In my free time I usually watch TV, play computer games, read books, skate, play with my skate, play with my cat Čičo and dog Bobino. I like drawing. cat Čičo and dog Bobino. I like drawing.
My favourite pictures:
I will go to the U.S.A., Germany, France and Italy.
The Statue of Liberty.
The Eiffel Tour
The Statue of Liberty I will go to America to visit the Statue of Liberty.It is situated in New York City,Liberty Island. I will go to America to visit the Statue of Liberty.It is situated in New York City,Liberty Island. It was built in This statue was built by It was built in This statue was built by Gustave Eiffel. Gustave Eiffel.
The Eiffel Tour Eiffel Tour is symbol of Paris. This tower was built by Gustave Eiffel in The Eiffel Tour is symbol of Paris. This tower was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1890.
Colosseum I will go to Italy and I would like to visit Colosseum. It is in the centre of the capital of Italy – Rome. The Caesar Vespasianus built Colosseum in 72 AD.
H OLIDAYS On holidays we are going to our cottage in Duchonka. I like staying here. I usually go here with my family and friends. I take here my dog or cat, too. This is my cat ´´Čičo´´ This is my dog ´´Bobino´´
The End Zuzana Pinterová 7.B