Электронное приложение к уроку английского языка для 4 класса муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №11 г.Вичуга средняя общеобразовательная школа №11 г.Вичуга Выполнила: учитель английского языка Груздева Светлана Владимировна start
Circus animals Circus animals English -4 Lesson 2
Let’s do a project about circus animals Riddles about wild animals start start The end
Riddles about animals Riddles about animals It is a tall animal. It is heavy and slow. It is not dangerous. I am not afraid of it.
It is a very dangerous animal. It is heavy and slow. It is sometimes very fast. I am afraid of it.
It is not a dangerous animal. It is slow and fat. It is very heavy. I am not afraid of it.
It is a small animal. It is not dangerous. It is not fluffy. It is very fast. I am not afraid of it.
It is a tall animal. It is not dangerous. It is fluffy, fast and heavy. I am not afraid of it.
It is a dangerous animal. It is fast, fat and heavy. I am afraid of it.
Find 6 animals Find 6 animals
What animals can work in a circus? lions lions tigers tigers elephantselephants zebras zebras horseshorses kangaroos kangaroos bears bears monkeys monkeys dogsdogs catscats
What are they like? What are they like? dangerousfastfatfluffyfunnymerrysillysmarttalented
What can they do? What can they do? play with a ball ride a bicycle ride a horse wear clothes jump play the piano roller-skatedance
Start your project about circus animals ___________ can work in a circus. They are _____________ and____________. They can ____________________________. I like_________________.
The end