Reviewing Your Childhood and Adolescence INFANCY INFANCY –Core task: Develop sense of trust in self and others –Erikson’s core struggle: trust versus mistrust –Critical importance of sense of being loved during infancy –Infancy provides the foundation for later development
Early Childhood Erikson’s core struggle: autonomy versus shame and doubt Erikson’s core struggle: autonomy versus shame and doubt Central task is to begin the journey toward autonomy Central task is to begin the journey toward autonomy A time for learning what it means to be interdependent A time for learning what it means to be interdependent Importance of developing emotional competence Importance of developing emotional competence
The Preschool Years Erikson’s core struggle: Initiative versus Guilt Erikson’s core struggle: Initiative versus Guilt A time for learning basic attitudes regarding sexuality A time for learning basic attitudes regarding sexuality A time for increasing the capacity to understand and use language A time for increasing the capacity to understand and use language Importance of learning to accept the full range of one’s feelings Importance of learning to accept the full range of one’s feelings
Typology of Parenting Styles Authoritarian parents: Extremely strict, high demands, control with threats of punishment Authoritarian parents: Extremely strict, high demands, control with threats of punishment Authoritative parents: Accepting, set high goals for children, encourage exploration Authoritative parents: Accepting, set high goals for children, encourage exploration Permissive parents: Few demands, indulge children’s desires Permissive parents: Few demands, indulge children’s desires Neglectful parents: Neither accepting nor involved, may meet children’s basic needs Neglectful parents: Neither accepting nor involved, may meet children’s basic needs
Impact of Parenting Styles on Childhood Development Authoritarian parents-- produce children with fear, apprehension, passivity, vulnerability to stress, moodiness, and a lack of purpose Authoritarian parents-- produce children with fear, apprehension, passivity, vulnerability to stress, moodiness, and a lack of purpose Authoritative parents-- produce children with self- reliance, self-control, good coping skills, purposeful behavior, an achievement-orientation, a cooperative attitude, and a curiosity about life Authoritative parents-- produce children with self- reliance, self-control, good coping skills, purposeful behavior, an achievement-orientation, a cooperative attitude, and a curiosity about life Permissive and neglectful parents-- produce children with characteristics of rebellion, low self-reliance and self-control, impulsivity, aimlessness, and low achievement Permissive and neglectful parents-- produce children with characteristics of rebellion, low self-reliance and self-control, impulsivity, aimlessness, and low achievement
Middle Childhood Erikson’s core struggle: Industry versus Inferiority Erikson’s core struggle: Industry versus Inferiority Increasing understanding of self --- gender, race, culture, abilities Increasing understanding of self --- gender, race, culture, abilities Relationships are a major focus during middle childhood Relationships are a major focus during middle childhood A time for developing the self-concept A time for developing the self-concept
Ego-Defense Mechanisms Psychological strategies we use to protect our self-concept Psychological strategies we use to protect our self-concept We use ego defenses at various stages of life to soften the blows of reality We use ego defenses at various stages of life to soften the blows of reality Ego defenses help us cope with anxiety Ego defenses help us cope with anxiety These defenses have adaptive value if they are not excessively used to avoid facing reality These defenses have adaptive value if they are not excessively used to avoid facing reality
Adolescence Erikson’s core struggle: Identity versus Role Confusion Erikson’s core struggle: Identity versus Role Confusion A critical period in the development of personal identity A critical period in the development of personal identity Implications for individuation or psychological separation from parents Implications for individuation or psychological separation from parents Psychological moratorium: a time for experimentation with different roles before making major commitments Psychological moratorium: a time for experimentation with different roles before making major commitments