Physical Diagnosis Scalp, Ears,Nose, Sinuses
Describe Scalp. Diagnosis?
Normal TM Malleus (short process and handle Cone of light Incus Pars tensa The unbelievable UMBO
Otitis Media Red, Bulging Hyperemia Dullness of light reflex Opaque
Serous OM Bulging, amber drum Decreased mobility
Cerumen in canal May advise parents to soften first May remove yourself in office At the VA: May remove a lot of ear wax in the ER
Bullous Myringitis Large vesicles/bullae visible on the drum Landmarks obscured Drum is reddened Viral infection characterized by painful hemorrhage
Traumatic Perforation Usually result from purulent infection of the middle ear Central perforation or marginal
Tympanostomy Tube Sometimes placed in children with series of ear infections Major goal: preventing conductive hearing loss may prevent delayed language development “Mom, the TV is so loud!”
Nose and Sinuses
Sinus Anatomy: Front View frontal sinus=black check maxillary sinus=red, anterior ethmoid sinuses=green posterior ethmoid sinuses= purple, sphenoid sinus=yellow
Sinus Anatomy: Side View frontal sinus=black check maxillary sinus=red, anterior ethmoid sinuses=green posterior ethmoid sinuses= purple, sphenoid sinus=yellow
Looking at the turbinates: Diagnosis?
Nasal Polyp