Managing conflict Quiz
What kind of manager would you expect to say these things if you said you needed some help on a project? Manager 1: Look, I’m really busy right now - could you ask someone else to help you? Manager 2: I can’t help you right now but let’s fix a time to sit down together and go through the problem. Manager 3: Give me the file and I’ll see if I can sort it out for you. Manager 4: Well, that’s what you’re paid for! You sort it out yourself and tell me when you’ve found a solution. Sink or swim & autocratic Afraid of delegating Disorganized & in a rush Calm & professional
Pre-reading: discuss in pairs (ex 2) Read to say if these statements are true or false: Most bosses think they are bad at keeping their subordinates happy. Many bosses who are brusque have genuine feelings for their subordinates, so they are surprised when they learn that others see them as insensitive. Few managers, even the ones with hard-driving styles, see themselves as abrasive. Career advisers say that you can still get to the top if you are disliked and if you don’t modify your behaviour.
Field marshalls are not control freaks. They help others. Street fighters are highly competitive, with every interaction producing a clear winner and a loser. They always think they are right. Dr Jekylls and Mr Hydes like being the exceptions to the rule. Rebels have good interpersonal skills in one part of the organization but have trouble with everyone else.
A turnaround specialist did wonders with this underperforming company. This politician had to soften his demeanor when talking to journalists. I can’t bend my instincts that much, I don’t want to change for them. I don’t trust him, he’s the biggest phony I’ve ever seen. No-nonsense managers hate chit chats and irrelevancies. Instead of barking out orders, you can always ask nicely. Why don’t we solicit more ideas from students? If you belittle your staff before others they’re bound to hold a long-term grudge against you. Partners decided to put up with his personality because after all he keeps the money pouring in.
Management and conflict styles 1 cae bd
Management and conflict styles (Blake & Mouton) concern for people concern for product country clubteam middle-of-the-road impoverishedproduce or perish
Management and conflict styles (Bolton & Bolton) responsiveness assertiveness amiableexpressive analyticaldriver
Management and conflict styles (McGregor) y x
Management and conflict styles (Kilmann) accommodatingcollaborating compromising avoidingcompeting
Management and conflict styles (Hersey & Blanchard) participating/ supporting selling/ coaching delegating/ observing telling/ directing
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