P H O T O G R A P H Y Lewiston High School Instructor: Sarah M. Stocker
A Traditional Photography Program Through the art of photography, students engage in a hands on learning environment which focuses on an art form that teaches the relationship between science and art.
The work presented in this slide show is a combined effort of both black & white and advanced level photography students. Each image is created by hand.
Megan Beliveau The magic of light
Nature Kiani Camire
Jennifer Soucy
The Landscape Jake Tanguay
Students processing film
Megan is selecting a negative.
Photographs in the making
The darkroom in action !
Students are processing an enlargement.
Window matting
Cropping a photograph
A close up view of a story book
Environmental Portrait Devin Mclellan
Carley Denis
Studio lighting
Fine Art Photography Audrey Patterson
Kyle creates a fine art photograph
Water droplet effect
Hand tinting photographs
This image combines hand tinting and oil painting techniques Briar Pelletier
Amber constructs her storybook
Kelsey used a Vaseline technique to soften the border of her image. Kelsey Rodrigue
Fine Art Portraits Jennifer SoucyShae Morin
Cyanotype Mural Advanced Photography class
P H O T O G R A P H Y provided by provided by Sarah M. Stocker