Vocabulary Level 13-15F
partying (usually drunken) Carousal
rule/test; standard for judgment Criterion
deeply unhappy; without hope Disconsolate
promote trouble; rebel Foment
good timing; convenient Opportune
very productive; profuse Prolific
agreeable, submissive Amenable
arrange, order; compare critically Collate
immature; lacking nutrition or value Jejune
break; tap bring up Broach
reply or response Rejoinder
powerful; hard to do Herculean
gullible; easily deceived Credulous
affirm or declare confidently Aver
expert, especially in fine arts Connoisseur
weigh down or burden Encumber
unquestionable, beyond dispute Incontrovertible
beginning, start, outset Inception
obvious; flagrant; noisy Blatant
prop up; strengthen Buttress
empty, use up, consume Deplete
massacre; bloodbath Carnage
without emotion Impassive
frightful, horrible Grisly
elaborate; expand upon at length Expatiate
foreign; from the outside; irrelevant Extraneous
assist or encourage Abet
beg earnestly; petition Supplicate
weakness, ailment; defect Infirmity
puzzled, stressed Nonplussed
diverse collection; general mixture Potpourri
unfavorable; unlucky Inauspicious
self-righteous; preachy; aphoristic Sententious
brutal, vicious; enjoying cruelty Sadistic
Overindulgence; excess or surplus Surfeit
stronghold; defensive position Bulwark
gifted; showing early development Precocious
stubborn; unyielding Obdurate
scold sharply Berate
swollen, bloated, inflated Turgid
easily angered, bad-tempered Choleric
unyielding, inflexible Adamant
winding, twisted; complex, difficult Tortuous
uproar, commotion Brouhaha
courteous; consideration Deference
glut, satiate; spoil by overindulgence Cloy
vague sense of impending misfortune Presentiment
conclusive, final; authoritative Definitive
needed, necessary, essential Requisite
pay, hand in; forgive; postpone Remit
resist, oppose; prevent; frustrate Thwart
cut short, reduce, limit, halt Curtail
wasteful; reckless; self- indulgent Profligate
to soften, calm, or appease Mollify
behavior, manner; facial expression Demeanor
puzzling, confusing; mysterious Enigmatic
mushy; too sentimental Mawkish
spontaneous; w/o preparation Impromptu
burden; obligation; blame Onus
having to do with clothing/tailoring Sartorial