Origins of Progressivism
5 Goals of Progressivism 1. Protecting social welfare – To soften hard realities of industrialization – YMCA opens libraries, pools, gyms – Salvation Army opens shelters, feeds poor
2. Promoting Moral Improvement – Felt morality was key to helping: “You’re poor b/c you’re immoral!” – Prohibition: Banning all alcohol 1874: Women’s Christian Temperance Union forms in Cleveland
“Do anything” to end alcohol Carrie Nation attacked saloons with an axe! REALLY ticked off immigrants! TOL Mayor Samuel Jones suggests alcohol isn’t the problem - society that leads people to drink is!
3. Creating economic reform – Does capitalism serve each individual? – Big Biz always gets more say than regular people – Some turned to socialism
– Journalists called “muckrakers” exposed the corruption of politicians & Big Biz.
4. Fostering Efficiency – People applied scientific principles to gov’ts, business – Used “time & motion” studies to break tasks into simple parts to make things more efficient
– Meant people would have to do repetitive motions to be “efficient” – Caused high worker turnover - in response, Ford reduces workday and increases wages
5. Cleaning up gov’t corruption – Many call for direct election of US Senate – With city gov’ts corrupt from machines, independents had a chance TOL elected 2: Jones & Brand Whitlock
Business regulation – ? Businesses exist for what? – Workplace safety rules – Product safety rules (Food, meds) – Minimum wage – Worker’s compensation