Chapter 2 notes With class activities/discussions
Pre-Test True False 1. Emotional Health is not related to your physical health. 2. Once a person adopts personal values, they remain firmly fixed for a lifetime 3. The best thing to do is to reject illogical or unpleasant feelings you may have. 4. Most emotionally healthy people do not need help from others- they stand alone on there own two feet
Cont. 5. The primary problem people have in making new relationships is the fear of being rejected 6. The best way to solve a problem is to think up a solution and to concentrate all resources in making it work. 7. A mentor is a person who is a neutral party that helps resolve problems between two parties.
Chapt. 2 vocab. Emotional Health – the state of being free from mental disorders Thoughts – Mental process in which a person is always conscious. Cortex – Upper portion of brain where all thoughts occur Values – Set of rules for behavior know right from wrong. Status – standing or rank within a group
Mean girls trailer B2vyC6kXRDGfiZcmbvZx4?p=mean+girls+trail er&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t- 901&fp=1;_ylt=Atkbqcs B2vyC6kXRDGfiZcmbvZx4?p=mean+girls+trail er&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t- 901&fp=1
Mean girls social status tables gGMhttps:// gGM
Cont. Emotions – feelings that occur that express events that occur or have occurred Emotional Intelligence – ability to recognize and react with appropriate reactions
When Dealing with an Emotion 1. Recognize the emotion 2.Own it 3. Verbalize it 4. Express it physically 5. Think about the situation (if negative and persists)
Chapt. 2 Sec. 1 Notes Resentment – anger that builds up due to failure to express emotion Suppress – hold back emotions!!!!!!!!!!!! Confrontation – showdown between 2 or more things or people Support System – people or groups you look to for advice or help Mentor – Wise person that gives you advice
Your support system List all the people you consider to be in your support system
Chapt. 2 Sec. 2 and 3 pg Conflict – Struggle between people Violence – brutal physical force intended to harm Feud – bitter long term hostility Tolerance – acceptance of differences between oneself and others Mediator – neutral party helps resolve conflicts Communication – Two way exchange of ideas or thoughts. Assertive – possessing the characteristics of appropriately expressing feelings, wants and needs. Passive – not expressing feelings appropriatley of remaining silent. Aggressive – being insulting or overly demanding to others or invading territory.
Strategy to greet and communicate with new people SOFTEN TECHNIQUE S smile O open stance F forward lean T touch E eye contact N nod
Close Talker hchttp:// hc hc&list=PLvabEoNpMU5XXQoyFik- taxnUIfB4q8q7http:// hc&list=PLvabEoNpMU5XXQoyFik- taxnUIfB4q8q7
Chapter 2 Vocab. Alienation – Withdrawing from others Ostracism – rejection and exclusion from society Nonconformist – person that does not share society values and behaves in unconventional ways. Violent Crime – crime that involves threats or use of force assualt, murder, rape or robbery
Review Questions How would you change a negative thought into a positive one? What are some ways in which you can express your feelings physically? What is the soften technique? Explain the difference between Alienation, Ostracism, and being a nonconformist. What are problems with passive and aggressive behaviors?