THE PURPOSE OF INGATHERING We have come to times when in our churches only a small percentage of the membership participate in our “Annual Harvest Ingathering Campaign”. Why is this so? The question is asked. Here are some of the reasons that I have gleaned. Ingathering is begging, and they do not think that God’s people should be begging. They are not convinced that the Ingathering money is being used as it should be.
The pictures in the Ingathering Magazine do not represent the money collected during Ingathering. Some are afraid of being embarrassed while asking for a contribution. They do not see the persons who really need help being helped.
A. IS INGATHERING BEGGING? Is Ingathering Begging? Emphatically no! Ingathering is an opportunity for the general public to assist in the work of helping their fellow man. It presents the opportunity to address some of the social ills of the community such as hunger, Aids, homelessness, etc. Remember there are always people in a worst position than ourselves. As we ingather, let us remember that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof……” Psalm 24:1.
“The Lord still moves upon the hearts of kings and rulers in behalf of His people. Those who are labouring for Him are to avail themselves of the help that He prompts men to give for the advancement of His cause. The agents, through whom these gifts come, may open ways by which the light of truth shall be given to many benighted lands. These men may have no sympathy with God’s work, no faith in Christ, no acquaintance with His word, but their gifts are not on this account to be refused.” Southern Watchman, March 15, 1904.
B. THE USE OF INGATHERING FUNDS As stated before, Ingathering funds are used to aid a world program that includes medical, educational, welfare, and disaster relief. Here is a percentage breakdown. Disaster and famine15% Education 40% Welfare 35% Ingathering Exp. 10%
C. INGATHERING PICTURES The pictures presented in the Ingathering Magazine do not intend to represent only the work done by Ingathering funds; but primarily to highlight the nature of the humanitarian work done by the Seventh day Adventist Church, of which Ingathering funds contribute only about 7%, the other 93% is met by contributions from the church members. The pictures say this is what we do.