Learning & teaching refurbishments 2014 October 2014
Claremont Tower Seminar Room Before After
Claremont Tower Seminar Room 1.15 The room was de-cluttered and a simplified teaching wall was introduced. An island of green carpet has been used to reinforce the idea of a central desk arrangement. Before After
Ridley Building Seminar Room 1.42 Before After
Claremont Bridge Seminar Room 2.29 Before After
Agriculture Building Teaching Room 3.05 Before After
Old Library Building Language Resource Centre Before
Old Library Building Language Resource Centre After
Old Library Building Language Resource Centre After
Stephenson Building Lecture Theatre F16 Before
Stephenson Building Lecture Theatre F16 After
Law Lecture Theatre Before Capacity 233
Law Lecture Theatre After Capacity increased to 279
Armstrong Building Robert Boyle Lecture Theatre Before
Armstrong Building Robert Boyle Lecture Theatre After The flooring was replaced with hard wearing laminate flooring that is also more appropriate to the buildings heritage. AV equipment has been improved as well as introducing more flexible writing tablet seating
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre G.05 Before
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre G.05 After
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre G.07 Before
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre G.07 This relatively small lecture theatre was made lighter and brighter but also introduces warmer tones to soften the walls and lighting. After
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre 1.29 Before
Daysh Building Lecture Theatre 1.29 After
Claremont Tower Lecture Theatre 1.02 Before
Claremont Tower Lecture Theatre 1.02 The design of this lecture theatre has been driven from the existing style in the surrounding rooms such as the corridor and another lecture theatre. This was done to provide a level of coherence to the 1 st floor of the building. After
Medical School David Shaw Lecture Theatre Before
Medical School David Shaw Lecture Theatre After
Medical School David Shaw Lecture Theatre After
Politics Building Seminar Room G22 Before After
Merz Court Lecture Theatre 1.01 Before
Merz Court Lecture Theatre 1.01 After
2014/15 Projects FMED M1 corridor IT provision Dental Lecture Theatres C, D, E & F and corridor Old Library building Pybus Room Walton Library Dene and Linn PC clusters Bedson building 2.41 extension Bedson Side cluster Politics building G28 Ridley LT’s 1.63 & 1.65 Agriculture Clement Stevens Lecture Theatre Daysh basement entrance Large Flat floor teaching space Teaching wall improvements