Moving Forward with Advocacy Renell B. Weathers Outreach Coordinator June 19, 2012 Michigan League FOR Human Services Celebrating 100 years of Research and Advocacy
Michigan League FOR Human Services
Michigan League FOR Human Services Where to begin What do we want? Who can give it to us? Who should deliver the message? What are your assets? What resources are missing? Do your homework
Michigan League FOR Human Services What you need to know Learn the process How a bill becomes law? Budget timeline MNA Advocacy Handbook
Michigan League FOR Human Services We wear many hats
Michigan League FOR Human Services Advocacy tools Write – Call – Visit Building a relationship Legislative recess Michigan League
Michigan League FOR Human Services 7 Tips Be prepared It’s all about credibility Relationships are critical Don’t count anyone “in” or “out” Be focused Work with partners Share stories
Michigan League FOR Human Services $2M Lottery Winner Uses Food Stamps Lottery winner on food stamps even after $1M Michigan man charged for welfare fraud
Michigan League FOR Human Services How to have the most impact 9 Testimonials Letter to the Editor Personal Letter Social Media Visits Legislator Press Conference Phone Call Contacts Advocates Champions Champions… Are highly committed to your issue Have a compelling personal story Are willing and eager to get more involved
Michigan League FOR Human Services Impact in the current political environment 10
Michigan League FOR Human Services Know the rules Learn if you need to be a registered lobbyist, and if you do, register to be a lobbyist and become an active participant in impacting policy decisions. Registration handled by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office -
Michigan League FOR Human Services You have the power! … Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.” -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” -- Margaret Mead
Michigan League FOR Human Services Action Steps Restore EITC Put state funded unemployment benefits back to traditional 26 weeks Soften 48-month limit for Family Independence Program recipients Eliminate asset testing for food assistance
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