Conversion pages Get Set Up
The first impression ad is designed to peak your targets interest Your “cheese” is something that would benefit them so they click The initial conversation is your chance to share your expertise, give them what they came for, provided by you Give them a chance to trust you before you ask for anything from them Once those who saw benefit in your “cheese” have identified themselves, put a very specific offer in front of them that requires they provide a way for you to contact them
They have clicked your ad on Facebook – What will your initial conversation be? Remember you are providing your “cheese” here If the information you are using for your cheese is “borrowed” re-write it!!! You are the expert speaking in your initial conversation Video is the BEST way to deliver your “cheese” and brand yourself as the expert It is your mouth delivering the message
Use your existing website and create “sub-domains” for your initial conversation page or Create these pages with We will use weebly for this example
Start by choosing what type of site you will have For this application you will choose site
Choose a theme – Less is more here (the focus is on the video, or content you are providing…your cheese)
Name your page – name your page something that is descriptive of the niche or main focus
Change this to a “splash” page
Depending on your theme you can edit the image – use one that supports the cheese or niche
Soften the image a little to not distract from the video
Embed your video (or put your content in) Use YouTube to host the video and SEO it to maximize the results each “expertise” video gives On YouTube go to your video as if you were watching it and slect the “share option”
Select “embed”
Copy the code if you have edited your default setting before…….. If not, select “show more
If you had to select show more
Once you have copied the code…Go back to your new weebly page Drag the “embed” element into the center of the page
Click to edit the HTML
Paste your YouTube embed code and center it
Make it easy for your visitors – make your video auto play Click edit html and click your mouse after the 0 and before the “ in the section of code that is rel=0”
Type in the following ONLY &autoplay=1
Name the site, turn off the title, or add your logo
Turn off access to other pages from here (leave the contact us page)
Select the “contact us” page and click “save and edit”
Drag a text box to the center of the screen
Click to edit text
Type in your contact info here and spruce it up a bit
Publish your page
Go to your sites to get the URL and look at your new site
Click the URL to see your published page
Your First Impression did the job and got your targets to want the benefit you are offering The Initial Conversation did the job branding you as an expert and gave your targets a feeling of trust Now you need to convert that into a lead – For it to be a lead – You need contact information
Enter – The Conversion Page This the page that has the actual “form” on it It can not be a page with nothing but a form A short video support your specific offer or re-iterating the need to contact you is best Make your forms short (if people feel like it will take time to complete the form they will avoid it) The goal is not to pre-qualify them in a form, just give yourself a way to follow up.
Use your new weebly site and create a new page (not visible on the site)
Add the Contact Form
Set your questions
Now you just have to get that Conversion Page in front of the people who clicked your ad and went to Initial conversation page But you don’t want to have to spend a bunch of money targeting all the other people who did not click the ad too Join me to morrow to see how to target ONLY the people who are already interested in what you are promoting…..It is called retargeting and is the most effective conversion tool available today