Political Review
Political Orientation A.Defines a person’s beliefs regarding social, political, and economic issues.
Political Spectrum Tool used to plot a person’s political orientation
Liberal- believe the government should play an active role in promoting social, economic and political progress. Government solutions are needed for society’s problems.
Conservative Private solutions are best answer to society’s problems Laissez Faire
Moderates Political opinions fall between both Liberals and Conservatives. Share opinions of both views.
Reactionary- Favors extreme change to restore society to an earlier, more conservative state Radical- Favors extreme change to create an altered or entirely new social system -
Partisanship devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause Bipartisanship in which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise,
Political Party A group of persons who seek to control gov’t through the winning of elections and holding of public office.
Platform A Political party’s formal statement on basic principles, stands on major issue, and objecdtives
Third Party A party not affiliated with either the Democrats or Republicans
Economic Protest Party dominated by feelings of economic discontent Splinter Party A party that has split from one of the two major parties over serious differences
Ideological Party Based on a particular set of beliefs Single Issue Party 1.Focus on a single issue. a.Pro Life – make abortion illegal b.Prohibition – make alcohol illegal
Winner Take all System electoral college Single Member District
Two Party Only two parties have a legitimate chance of winning Multi Party A system in which several major and some minor parties exist
Develop broad policy and leadership choices. Vital link between the people and gov. They work to blunt conflicts Bring conflicting groups together Encourage the contending views of diff. Interests and groups. Soften impact of extremists at both end
influence Attract new groups of voters Spoiler? Take votes away from major parties. Adoption of ideas by major parties. Winner Take All – electoral college