May 2014 MCO Training:
Session: 2 Hours 30 minutes class 2 Practice drills Objectives: Review RIC and Mayday procedures Introduce the default Best Practice Satisfy WAC “In the event a firefighter becomes lost, trapped, seriously injured, has a medical emergency, has exhausted their breathing air, or find themselves in any other form of life- threatening situation they shall immediately call for help, using the nationally adopted term “Mayday” to declare that an emergency situation now exists. The fire department shall specifically establish and routinely practice standard procedures for managing a Mayday situation.”
Why? Develop an organized plan Eight agencies – get on the same page Faster reaction to an event Maintain management of the fire Nothing in this training precludes the incident commander from taking the action necessary to mitigate a mayday event in the safest and most practical way possible for the conditions presented. Absent any other preplanned response, these recommended procedures provide direction to initiate a coordinated effort to aid and/or rescue firefighters who are in need of assistance.
First Step……Preparation! Don’t get yourself in a precarious situation in the first place! Recognize hazards Understand fire behavior Maintain situational awareness Manage your air Know your RIC Kit Know your equipment – assembly / starting / limitations / using Drags / Lifts / Carries…..know what you are capable of doing! Communications / Terminology PRACTICE ROUTINELY
RIC Responsibilities…………. Briefing from I/C Perform a 360 – note doors/windows/access/fire location Identify secondary means of egress / soften the structure Assemble: RIC Kits (from each agency)Pry Bar TICLead line IronsRope Hose lineLadder(s) Saw(s)Other special equipment Confer with ISO Plan – A.W.A.R.E. (Air, Water, Access, Radio, Extrication plan) Monitor Talk Groups / State Ops
Incident Commander Responsibilities…………. Assure RIC is assigned, announced, and bench marked Assign ISO (2 nd arriving B/C) – brief on transition to RIC Group Supervisor in the event of a Mayday Request additional Talk Group Request additional resources as necessary for the incident Why the 2 nd Battalion Chief as Incident Safety Officer?
The Mayday Event…………. Eng.37 "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY", 181 Command from Engine 37" Command"All units from 181 Command, Emergency Traffic - go ahead with your Mayday Engine 37“ Eng. 37"This is FF Jones on Engine 37 assigned Exposure operating on Floor 2. Engine 37 has been cut off from our egress and has heavy smoke and high heat on Floor 2. Air is at 25%. We need a ladder to the window on Side Charlie“ Command"181 Command copies you and your crew are trapped on Floor 2 with low air and need a ladder to Side Charlie for egress.“ Eng. 37"Affirmative." Reality Eng. 37"MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Engine 37, help!" Command"Last unit? Was that a Mayday?"
I/C Responsibilities………… Acknowledge Mayday Obtain L.U.N.A.R. (Location, Unit, Name, Air/Assignment, Resources needed) Advise to Activate PASS Ascertain if nearby crews are in a position to assist Assign Safety to RIC Group Supervisor Establish Medical Group Move Suppression activities to 2 nd Talk Group Request Resources Conduct Roll Call (at any point to confirm missing) Continue to manage the fire incident and monitor rescue
RIC Group Supervisor………… Monitor information from Mayday communications Affirm transition from Safety to RIC Group Supervisor Move to EMER Talk Group if Mayday occurred on EMER or EMER button was activated Assign RIC to task of “RIC Search” (designator remains as the unit, ie; Engine 9) Request at least two companies from I/C (for Rescue and Support) Assure specific equipment as requested by the RIC Search unit is deployed Manage and coordinate the rescue effort
RIC Responsibilities………… If the needs or nature of the emergency have not been communicated and under the direction of the RIC Group Supervisor, RIC should be assigned the task of searching, recon, and providing air for the firefighter(s) in trouble and determine what if anything will be needed to mitigate the Mayday. They retain their unit designator. Minimum equipment should be: RIC Kit(s) TIC Irons Lead line or hose line Move QUICKLY to locate the firefighter(s) Conduct a 360 of the area to identify hazards Provide air if necessary Communicate: FF located, Plan for extrication, Resources, Plan for removal, Update the RIC Group Supervisor Relay plan to Rescue crew on their arrival
RIC Rescue Crew Responsibilities………… Once assigned, report to RIC Group Supervisor (Unit designator will be retained) Stand by at access point for equipment and resource request from the RIC Search crew When assigned, take additional air if necessary and rendezvous with the RIC Search crew. Obtain plan from RIC Search team leader Assume rescue operations Request resources as necessary Update RIC Group Supervisor
RIC Support Crew Responsibilities………… Once assigned, report to RIC Group Supervisor Assemble equipment as requested for rescue operations If additional resources are requested for the rescue effort, RIC Support moves up to assist the RIC Rescue crew (RIC Group Supervisor will request additional resources to backfill)
SAFETYRIC GRP SUPERVISOR RIC Search CrewRIC Rescue CrewRIC Support Crew Recon / Air / PlanExtrication / RemovalEquip. Support
Today’s Practice……………. Large two-story single-family residence Extending kitchen fire on Floor 1 1 st Alarm units have arrived except for 4 th due Front door is wedged open Exposure crew opens 2 nd Floor window to vent heavy smoke
Should a Mayday Occur……………. Follow the default plan for a RIC activation: I/C Responsibilities Safety to RIC Group Supervisor RIC to RIC search crew RIC rescue crew assumes rescue RIC support team assists from outside One firefighter down the ladder One firefighter out the hallway Think about how you will make that happen!