1 John 3:4-10.  Sin is a pestilence upon humanity; a “distiller of hate, a breeder of crime.”  Sin is disguised, camouflaged, sweetened and made respectable.


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Presentation transcript:

1 John 3:4-10

 Sin is a pestilence upon humanity; a “distiller of hate, a breeder of crime.”  Sin is disguised, camouflaged, sweetened and made respectable  Sin is a terrible crime against God!  Dishonors God and attacks His purpose for humanity, Psa 51:4; Eccl 12:13; 1 Pet 1:

Sin is not in our genes. 3

 “Inherited sin from Adam”  “They, being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed, and the same death in sin and corrupted nature conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation.” (Westminster Confession of Faith, VI:III; 1646)  Sin came into world by Adam, Rom 5:12  Sin passes to all because all commit sin, Ezekiel 18:20  Personal responsibility for sin, Deut 24:16 4

We do not sin merely because we are human. 5

 Calvinism: Total Hereditary Depravity “From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions.” (Ibid., 4; 6.034)  We are sinners because we choose to sin! (Rom 3:23)  God made man pure: Man chose sin, Eccl 7:29 6

 Sinful to blame our humanity for our sin  “I can’t help it... I’m only human” … “I was born this way”  Devil’s tactics to soften and eliminate the reality of and accountability for our sins  Eating is natural: Gluttony is not, Gal 5:23  Sexual desire natural: Fornication is not, 1 Cor 6:13, 18 ▪ Homosexuality is not natural…Lust, Rom 1:

Someone else is not responsible for your sin. 8

 Blaming others is always easier than facing up to our own sins  Adam blamed Eve (God); Eve blamed serpent, Gen 3:11-13  Aaron blamed people for golden calf, Exo 32:21-25  Sin is Personal, Psa 51:3 (Ezek 18:20; Jas 1:14)  We must acknowledge our own sin, Psa 32:5  The sins of others may affect you; but your sin belongs to you! 9

The wages of sin is death. (Rom 6:23; Jas 1:15) 10

 Sin separates man from God, Isa 59:1-2; Col 1:21  Sin separates people, cf. Prov 16:28  Sin causes eternal separation, Rom 6:23  Separation from heaven and eternal life, Matt 7:23  Spiritual Death: Hell for those who continue to sin and refuse the salvation of Christ (2 Ths 1:8-9) 11

“He was manifested to take away our sins” 1 John 3:5 12

 You can overcome your sin in Jesus, Jno 8:34-36; Eph 1:7  Blood of Jesus powerful to forgive, Heb 9:13-14  Jesus washes your sins when you are baptized into His death, Rev 1:5; Rom 6:3 (Acts 22:16)  Christian walks in the light – overcoming sin in Jesus, 1 Jno 1:7-9 13

 Christian: Do not let sin rule you, Rom 6:12  Do not make sin your habit, 1 Jno 3:4-10  Confess, repent and pray, 1 Jno 1:9 (Acts 8:22) 14

Romans 5: Sin must not reign over us, Rom 6:1, 5- 6, Sin must not reign over us, Rom 6:1, 5- 6, Sin was introduced through Adam Sin was introduced through Adam Grace came through Christ Grace came through Christ Victory in Jesus! 1 Jno 3:8; Rom 6:23 Victory in Jesus! 1 Jno 3:8; Rom 6:23