Patterns in Genesis Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, , by Carlo Maratti.
Sibling Rivalry Cain & Abel Ishmael & Isaac Esau & Jacob Rachel & Leah Joseph & his brothers
Wrestling with God Can we connect the struggling siblings with Jacob’s wrestling with the angel of God at Bethel? Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustav Dore
Sarah Rebekah Rachel Tamar Barren/Childless Wife Sarah Hears and Laughs by J. James Tissot
Trickery/Craft (by women) Rebekah tricked Leah tricked Rachel tricked tricked Judah w/ prostitute disguise Lot’s daughters tricked Isaac by disguising Jacob Tamar Jacob w/ bed-trick Laban w/ teraphim their drunken father
Tricker/Craft (by men) Abraham tricked _____ Jacob tricked ______ and he tricked _______ Laban tricked ______ Simeon & Levi tricked ______ Pharaoh & Abimalech w/ sister story Jacob w/ wrong daughter Father Isaac with Esau disguise men of Shechem’s city to avenge Dinah’s rape Laban w/ speckled sticks
_______ and Abraham’s chief servant, Eliezer Rachel and _____ Hagar and _____ Zipporah and _____ Meetings at Wells & Springs Rebekah Jacob Moses God
Ultimogeniture Isaac over _____ Jacob over ______ Rachel over _____ _____ & _____ over Jacob’s 10 other sons (They are favored by father, although Davidic dynasty descends from Judah) Ephraim over Menashe (Joseph’s sons blessed by Jacob) Perez & Zerah, sons of _____&____ Ishmael Esau Leah (?) Joseph & Benjamin Tamar & Judah
Bibliography of Images Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, , by Carlo Maratti. Oil on canvas, 47 x 62 cm. Museum of Art, Indianapolis html/m/maratti/ html/m/maratti/ Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1855 from Olga’s Gallery: Sarah Hears and Laughs and Jacob Deceives Isaac by J. James Tissot Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustav Dore. From dorian/D/Dore/ dorian/D/Dore/Dore.htm “Rebecca & Isaac” [sic] images/religious/ images/religious/