Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Session Seven: Post-Structuralism
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Agenda Structuralism – a recap Structuralism – a recap Poststructuralism – a problematisation of structuralism Poststructuralism – a problematisation of structuralism Poststructuralism – key concepts (?) Poststructuralism – key concepts (?)
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Jakobson’s Six Factors of Verbal Communication context Addressermessageaddressee contact code
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Jakobson’s Six Functions of Verbal Communication Referential Emotivepoeticconative phaticmetalingual
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Structuralism: Key concepts Langue Langue System System Rules Rules Code Code Paradigmatic relations Paradigmatic relations Parole Parole Practice Practice Event Event Text Text Syntagmatic relations Syntagmatic relations
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism: Key concepts No meaning giving centre or origin No meaning giving centre or origin Discourse Discourse Context Context Language in use Language in use
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Structuralism: The sign unit Signifier Signified
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology The sign unit Signifier: cat, /kæt/ Signified:
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology The sign unit revisited 1. a. A well-known carnivorous quadruped 2. fig. a. As a term of contempt for a human being; esp. one who scratches like a cat; a spiteful or backbiting woman. spec. an itinerant worker (U.S. slang). b. slang. A prostitute. Obs. b. slang. A prostitute. Obs. c. An expert in, or one expertly appreciative of, jazz. slang (orig. U.S.). c. An expert in, or one expertly appreciative of, jazz. slang (orig. U.S.). d. slang. A ‘regular guy’, fellow, man. d. slang. A ‘regular guy’, fellow, man.
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology The sign unit revisited Signifier: Cat Signified: carniverous quadruped spiteful woman itínerant worker jazz fan regular guy
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism: Signifiers Cat Carnivrous quadruped – spiteful woman – itinerant worker – Jazz fan
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism – key concepts (?) Why is it problematic to speak of concepts in the context of poststructuralism? Why is it problematic to speak of concepts in the context of poststructuralism?
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism – key concepts Logocentrism: the desire a meaning giving centre or origin. Logocentrism: the desire a meaning giving centre or origin. The hierachy of presence and absence The hierachy of presence and absence Phonocentrism: the hierachy of speech and writing Phonocentrism: the hierachy of speech and writing
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism – key concepts Différance Différance –To be different (spatial concept) –To defer (temporal concept) Différance (writing) vs. Différence (speech) Différance (writing) vs. Différence (speech)
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Poststructuralism – key concepts Deconstruction and violent hierachies and oppositions, eg: Deconstruction and violent hierachies and oppositions, eg: –Ideal – real –Nature – culture –Good – evil –Innocence - experience –Literal – figurative –Truth – fiction –Story – discourse (plot)