Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Carl Gustav Jung
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Born 26 July 1875 Intellectual life began with a dream at the age of three He realized the “dark Lord Jesus, the Jesuit and the phallus were identical” They represented a dark creative force in nature, which he investigated for the remainder of his life Humans made up of an interacting body and psyche Carl Gustav Jung
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Psyche is made up of three parts: Psyche
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Ego The central complex or conscious “I” of the field of consciousness or experience. Contains all thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and memories available to consciousness.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Ego The ego can be further divided into the persona and/or mask. This is essentially the self as presented to other people
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Personal Unconscious Experiences that were once conscious but since have been repressed or forgotten.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Collective Unconscious “Memory traces” of repeated human experiences that have been accumulated over millions of years of human development.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Libido Freud’s use of the term libido as “sexual energy” was extended by Jung to include psychic energy in general. He eventually dropped the term libido altogether in favour of “psychic energy”.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Individuation The conscious realization of one’s unique psychological reality, including both strengths and limitations. It also involves becoming a single, homogeneous being, who embraces the innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Archetypes
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Shadow Our dark side Characterized by inferior, uncivilized, or animalistic qualities which the ego wishes to hide from others Not wholly bad, but primitive and not adapted It can vitalize life if we face up to it
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Anima (Latin “soul”) is the unconscious, feminine side of a man’s personality. She is personified in dreams by images of women ranging from prostitute and seductress to spiritual guide (wisdom). It can be seen as an archetype of life itself, represented in images of earth and water. It was believed that identifying completely with the anima could lead to homosexuality.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Excerpt from The Manticore: She is one of the figures in your psychological make-up, like the Shadow and the Friend, whom you have met and about whom you entertain few doubts. She is not a soul as Christianity conceives it. She is the feminine part of your nature: she is not your mother, or any single one of the women you have loved, but you have seen all of them – at least in part – in terms of her. If you love a woman you project this image upon her, at least at the beginning, and if you hate a woman it is again the Anima at work, because she has a very disagreeable side.... She is Woman as she appears to every man, and to every man she appears somewhat differently, though essentially the same.... But you can never see the Anima pure and simple, because she has no such existence; you will always see her in terms of something or somebody else (Davies ).
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Animus (Latin “spirit”) is the unconscious, masculine side of a woman’s personality. He personifies the logos (reason) principle, the search for knowledge, truth and meaningful activity, often represented by images of air and fire. It was believed that identification with the animus could cause a woman to become rigid, opinionated, and argumentative.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Excerpt from The Manticore: Oh, women have their own deep-lying image of Man, the Lover, the Warrior, the Wizard, and the Child – which may be either the child of a few months who is utterly dependent, or the child of ninety years who is utterly dependent. Men often find it hard to carry the projection of the Warrior or [Animus] that is put upon them by some woman they may not greatly like. And of course women have to bear the projection of the Anima, and although all women like it to some degree, only rather immature women like that and nothing else (Davies 166).
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Mother This archetype may be drawn from an individual’s collective unconscious in response to a real mother, mother-in-law, grandmother or stepmother. Even figurative mothers may provoke the emergence of the Mother archetype as symbolized by a wife, Divine Mother (Virgin Mary), or an institution: the church or any event, place, person, associated with fertility and fruitfulness.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Father Pertains to the realm of light and spirit, but primarily is concerned with the idea of protection. The father archetype is the protector of his children.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Hero The finest expression of the symbol-making capacity of the collective unconscious is the figure of the hero, or its opposite, the demon. Hero myths are common to many cultures and tend to share the same characteristics. The Hero defeats evil, slays the dragon or monster, usually near water, suffers punishment for another, or rescues the vanquished or downtrodden.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Wise Old Man A figure who always gives good advice. The advice given by the wise old man is also always practical.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Rich Young Prince Traditionally this archetype is seen as a ruler- in-training type. The shadow Prince can manifest as a young man with great feelings of power, an heir apparent who uses his position solely for exaggerating his own importance or power, or one who stands to inherit an evil empire and so takes on all the negative characteristics of the “king”.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Sleeping Princess Also associated with the damsel in distress, she is usually beautiful, vulnerable, and in need of rescue. Often the princess will fall for the prince, but the relationships very rarely work out.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Devil Many consider that the function of the devil archetype is to let us know with fury, that we are in need of something; whether it be food, sex, chocolate or anything that the unconscious wants to get back into balance quickly.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 Magician Jung explored the figure of the Trickster or Magician through a variety of myths, most notably in American Indian mythology. Characteristics of this mythical figure is his fondness for sly jokes, malicious pranks and his dual nature, half animal, half human.
Mr. Mehrotra ENG 3U0 The Old Jung Due to the wide range of his thought, Jung’s influence extends far wider than the theory and practice of analytical psychology. At the age of 85, on the last evening of his life, Jung opened and drank one of the best wines in his cellar. He died peacefully the following day, 6 June 1961, in his house on the lake.