One Day Men Will Say I gave birth to the 20 th Century
Who Am I?
At the moment I’m just a nobody, trying to be a somebody
Your Worst Nightmare Your greatest fear Let me take you on a journey……. But I could be
From Hell From hell
A Story of brutal murder Pure evil A story of human suffering
A story of….. The Ripper
London Whitechapel 1 1 Mary Anne (Polly) Nichols My first, but not my last What did I do to her my friends, not much, but here’s a list
Five teeth missing Tongue cut Beaten around the face jaw muscles sliced stomach cut through severed entrails
Mary Anne (Polly) Nichols Death Certificate
Violent, Syncope from loss of blood from wounds: Neck and Abdomen inflicted by some sharp instrument, will full murder by person or persons unknown
I wanna be a somebody not a nobody
But I was still a nobody, there needed to be another, I wanted more
Annie Chapman
Another beautiful piece of butchery brutally She died I didn’t have much time the police sent after me a man called Aberline Ha Ha Ha
Dear Mr Aberline…. how that thought gave me an idea
How would I begin? Dear Boss Perhaps I’d write them a letter
I hope ha ha. The next job I do I shall clip the lady’s ears off and send to the police officers first just for jolly wouldn’t you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work then give it out straight. My knife’s so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good luck, Yours truly, Jack the Ripper Don’t mind me using the trade name.
Would I end there I hear you say Would I Hell I want more blood, my knife is sharp
Liz Elizabeth Stride Elizabeth Stride
Damn Only got to cut the throat Got spottedOff to get another
4 Four
Eddowes Catherine Catherine Eddowes
Perfect Victim Kate Eddowes, prostitute. periodic drinking problem Constantly quarrels with companions and family. Kate Eddowes, prostitute. periodic drinking problem Constantly quarrels with companions and family.
Perfect Place
Cut open her stomach Read what I did to her Two feet of intestines taken away Left kidney removed The womb was sliced open and removed Took it home for a keepsake
I didn’t like the way she looked so….. I Sliced off the lady’s nose and cut V’s into her face
Yet more another yes another
Kelly Mary Jane Five Mary Jane Kelly
Another torrent of knife blows Dissected Organs You see I had more time with this one… Can you think why?
Perfect Place Perfect Murder
When you go to bed tonight, remember…
They never caught me
Night all Jack
‘The police were to blame for not catching Jack the Ripper’ Do you agree with this statement? 1.Who did Jack Kill? In the order they were murdered….. 2.What was unusual about murders three and four? 3.What was the big difference between the first four murders and the last murder?