ONGOING WORK IN FRANCE MADIOR FALL Institut National de la Statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) The 8th meeting of the Rio Group Rio de Janeiro, August, 2006
1. SILC (Survey on Income and Living Condition) Harmonized indicators Monitory poverty Living condition poverty Social exclusion
2. Homelessness - Eurostat Task force - Methodology : Users of shelters and meal distribution services - Implementation in EU (25)
3. Survey on deeply affected population Collaboration with INSERM (Research Institute on Health) Population : drug users,prostitute, AIDS... Special protocol for this survey
4. Studies Poverty related to elderly Persitency of poverty Link between poverty and pension system « reform » and more generally with welfare system
4. Studies (cont.) Spatial approach Urban poverty vs rural Problem of segregation : link between poverty and labor market data from French national agency for employment (ANPE) Role of amenities : bad neighbourhood sign for employers
4. Studies (cont.) Poverty indicator based on quality of food Data collected on supermarket (exit)