11/14/20041 Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction? Bill Petro your friendly neighborhood historian
11/14/20042 Why is it that… Factual… Fictional…
11/14/20043 So is it that… Fact Fiction? Fiction Fact?
11/14/20044 The Book 6 million sold, 40 languages, upcoming film by Ron Howard Popularity: something for everyone
11/14/20045 Westminster Abbey
11/14/20046 Musée du Louvre
11/14/20047 The Story Murder in front of Mona Quest for the Grail Blood of Christ Person - secret Secret society –Newton, Victor Hugo, Leonardo Da Vinci
11/14/20048 What’s the Big Deal? It’s just a book! So what are the dangers?
11/14/20049 How we’ll approach it: Where is this Presentation located? Q: Will we have Q&A? A: Yes, at the end. The Issues we’ll cover
11/14/ Issues: Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? Who was Mary Magdalene? Was Jesus married? What do we know about the Holy Grail? Is there a group known as Opus Dei? Was there an ancient Priory of Sion? What do we know about Constantine?
11/14/ More Issues: What happened at the Council of Nicea? What is Gnosticism? Were other Gnostic/Hidden/Secret Gospels a legitimate expression of Christianity? How did we really get the New Testament? What were the issues concerning Jesus’ deity? …?
11/14/ Where is it?
11/14/ Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? Artist Scientist Architect Painter Sculptor Musician
11/14/ Even more… Anatomist Engineer Inventor
11/14/ Mona Lisa, La Gioconda
11/14/ The Last Supper
11/14/ Mary Magdalene Who was she? Was she married?
11/14/ Mary in the “Gospel of Philip” Gospel of Philip (post AD 250) “And the companion of the […] Mary Magdalene. […loved] her more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her […].” – Koinonia – Not gyne Gospel of Philip 63:33-36 “For it is by a kiss that the perfect conceive and give birth. For this reason we all kiss one another. We receive conception from the grace which is in one another.”
11/14/ Mary in the “Gospel of Mary Magdala” Gospel of Mary Magdala (post AD 100) –The Debate Levi: “if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed (Peter) to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well. That is why He loved her more than us.”
11/14/ Something More about Mary? Was she a prostitute? Book: Holy Blood, Holy Grail
11/14/ Fun with Etymology SANGRIAL San grealSacred (Holy) Grail Sang realRoyal Blood
11/14/ Jesus Married? Did a Jewish male need to be married? Did a Rabbi need to be married? Did he have children?
11/14/ King Arthur & the Holy Grail Arthur at the movies The Holy Grail
11/14/ The Grail Quest What is your Quest? –Odyssey –Holy Grail –The One Ring –Star Wars
11/14/ Is there an Opus Dei? Yes: Their reaction:
11/14/ Priory of Sion A secret society since 1099? A splinter social group founded in 1956?
11/14/ Who was Constantine? First “Christian” Roman Emperor AD 312: Battle of the Milvian Bridge
11/14/ What did Constantine do? AD 313: Edict of Milan AD 315: Arch of Constantine
11/14/ Arch of Constantine, next to Coliseum
11/14/ Next time… Council of Nicea Gnosticism Gnostic Gospels Canon of the New Testament Ancient and modern heresies Deity of Christ …
11/14/ Bibliography The Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction? Hank Hanagraph, Paul L Maier Zondervan ISBN Breaking the Da Vinci Code Darrell L. Bock, PhD. Nelson ISBN
11/14/ Bibliography The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code Richard Abanes Harvest House ISBN
11/14/ Q&A