100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 Random Verb Conjugation Conjugating “ER” Verbs Conjugating.


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Presentation transcript:

Random Verb Conjugation Conjugating “ER” Verbs Conjugating “IR” Verbs Conjugating “RE” Verbs Regular Verbs Imposters Basic Verbs

1.100 point question What does “parler” mean?

To speak.

1.200 point question What does “chercher” mean?.

To look for.

1.300 point question Conjugate the verb “penser” to suit the pronoun “nous.”

Nous pensons.

1.400 point question Conjugate the verb “marcher” to suit the pronouns “ils/elles.”

Ils/elles marchent.

1.500 point question Translate this sentence in English “je danse beaucoup.”

I dance a lot.

2.100 point question What does “accomplir” mean?

To accomplish.

2.200 point question What does “grandir” mean?

To grow.

2.300 point question Conjugate the verb “rougir” to suit the following pronoun “vous.”

Vous rougissez.

2.400 point question Conjugate the following verb “vieillir” to suit “ils/elles.”

Ils/elles vieillissent.

2.500 point question Translate this sentence in English “Ils ralentissent parce qu’ils ont peurs.”

They slow down because they are scared/afraid.

3.100 point question What does “descendre” mean?

To go down or to descend?

3.200 point question What does “vendre” mean?

To sell.

3.300 point question Conjugate the verb “rendre” to suit the following pronoun “tu.”

Tu rends.

3.400 point question Conjugate the verb “entendre” to suit the following pronoun “je.”


3.500 point question Translate this sentence in English “Elle aiment correspondre à leurs amies.”

They like to write to their friends.

4.100 point question What does “lire” mean?

To read.

4.200 point question Conjugate the verb “rire” to suit the pronoun “tu.”

Tu ris.

4.300 point question Conjugate the following verb “faire” to suit the pronouns “il/elle.”

Il/elle fait.

4.400 point question Translate this sentence in English “Vous connaissez tout le monde.”

You know/recognize everyone.

4.500 point question Translate this sentence in English “Ils rient parce que leur professeur est amusant.”


They laugh because their teacher is funny.

5.100 point question Conjugate the following verb “aimer” to suit the following pronoun “je”.


5.200 point question Conjugate the following verb “être” to suit the following noun “ma maison”.

Ma maison est.

5.300 point question How would you conjugate the verb “aller” to suit the noun “Frankie.”

Frankie vas.

5.400 point question Translate this sentence in English “Je prends un lait s’il vous plait.”

I will have a milk please.

5.500 point question Translate this sentence in English “Mon cheval a les jambes fortes”.

My horse has strong legs.

6.100 point question What does the verb “vieillir” mean?


To age.

6.200 point question Conjugate the following verb “finir” to suit the noun “L’homme”.

L’homme finit.

6.300 point question Translate this sentence in English “Mes parents sont les meilleurs du monde”.

My parents are the best in the world.

6.400 point question What does the verb “haïr” mean?

To hate.

6.500 point question What does the verb “remercier” mean?

To thank.


What was the answer to the bonus question you had on your Basic Verbs test?


1.200 point question

1.400 point question

1.600 point question

1.800 point question

point question

2.200 point question

2.400 point question

2.600 point question

2.800 point question

point question

3.200 point question

3.400 point question

3.600 point question

3.800 point question

point question

4.200 point question

4.400 point question

4.600 point question

4.800 point question

point question

5.200 point question

5.400 point question

5.600 point question

5.800 point question

point question

6.200 point question

6.400 point question

6.600 point question

6.800 point question

point question



