Sidney Lanier Best known for “The Marshes of Glynn” –A poem of faith inspired by the current clash b/w Darwinism and orthodox religion. A sickly poet. –Most of his poetry written w/ temp of 104
Kate Chopin Daring feminist author Wrote candidly about adultery, suicide, and woman’s ambitions in The Awakening Greatly ignored writer in her day
Mark Twain Became famous w/ The Celebrated Jumping frog of Calavareras County and The Innocents Abroad Teamed up w/ Charles Dudley Warner to write The Gilded Age (a satire on post-Civil War politicians and speculators Typified a new breed of America authors in revolt against old refineries The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin are among America’s greats masterpieces
Bret Harte Became rich in California w/ the gold rush stories His most successful were “The Luck of Roaring Camp” and “The Outcasts of Poker flat.” Apart from those none were good.
William Dean Howells Became chief editor of the Atlantic Monthly Wrote about ordinary people and about contemporary and sometimes controversial themes. A Modern Instance is about divorce A Hazard of New Fortunes portrays the reformer, strikers, and Socialist in Gilded Age New York The Rise of Silas Lapham describes the trials of a newly rich paint manufacturer caught up in the caste system
Stephen Crane Son of Methodist minister Wrote about the seamy underside of life in urban, industrial America. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is a brutal tale about a poor prostitute driven girl He rose quickly to prominence w/ The Red Badge of Courage, the story of a bloodied young Civil War recruit under fire
Henry James His theme was the confrontation of innocent Americans w/ subtle Europeans Wrote Daisy Miller, The Portrait of a Lady, and The Wings of the Dove His The Bostonians was one of the first novels about the rising feminist movement Frequently made women the central character Called the master of “psychological realism.
Jack London Candid portrayals of contemporary life and social problems Famous for The Call of the Wild Also wrote about a possible fascist revolution in The Iron Heel.
Frank Norris Wrote The Octopus, which was an early saga of the stranglehold of the railroad and corrupt politicians on California wheat ranchers. The Pit (its sequel) dealt w/ making and breaking of speculators on the Chicago wheat exchange.
Paul Laurence Dunbar & Charles W. Chesnutt P.L. was an African American writer that brought another kind of realism to the century Dunbar wrote poetry Chesnutt wrote fictio. They used black dialect and folklore, previously shunned by black authors, to capture the spontaneity and richness of southern black culture.
Theodore Dreiser Wrote Sister Carrie, which is a graphically realistic narrative of a poor working girl in Chicago and New York. She becomes one man’s mistress, then elopes, w/ another, and finally strikes out on her own to make a career on the stage.
Victoria Woodhull Shook the pillars of conventional morality when she publicly proclaimed her belief in free love Together w/ her sister she published a far-out periodical called The Woodhull and Calfin’s Weekly.
Upton Sinclair Wrote the sensational novel The Jungle He intended his revolting tract to focus attention on the plight of the workers in the big canning factories, but instead he appalled the public w/ his depiction of disgustingly unsanitary food products. The Meat Inspection act was passed in 1906 (1 yr. later).
Charlotte Perkins Gilman Major feminist prophet. Published Women and Economics, a classic of feminist literature. Called women to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the larger life of the community through productive involvement in the economy. Rejected all claims that biology gave women a fundamentally different character from men. Advocated centralized nurseries and kitchens to facilitate women’s participation in the work force.