Learning Style Research developed by: The Gregorc Model Learning Style Research developed by: Anthony F. Gregorc Kathleen A. Butler
Theory Behind the Model Organized method of considering how mind works Perceptual Qualities Concrete Abstract Ordering Abilities Sequential Random
Perceptual Qualities Concrete Enables individual to register information directly through five senses Sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing Focus is on “here and now” “It is what it is” Not looking for hidden meanings Not making relationships between ideas and concepts
Perceptual Qualities Abstract Allows individuals to: Visualize Conceive Ideas Understand or believe that which cannot be seen Intuition, imagination, looking beyond what is actual “It is not always what it seems.”
Perceptual Qualities All individuals have both concrete and abstract perceptual abilities Usually individuals have preference for one quality over the other Example An individual whose natural strength in the concrete may communicate through direct, literal, no-nonsense manner The individual whose natural strength is the abstract may use more subtle methods to get a point accross
Ordering Abilities Sequential Linear, step-by-step organization of information Logical train of thought occurs Traditional approach to processing information Preference to having a plan and following it Avoidance of relying on impulse
Ordering Abilities Random Information organized in chunks, no particular order Ability to skip steps in a procedure and gain desired result Occasionally, begin projects in the middle, or at the end, and work backwards Preference to impulse and spur of the moment in decision making
Four Learning Style Types Assessment Part One: Concrete vs. Abstract Circle the choice below that best describes you. I prefer A. Learning about theories and ideas. B. Learning practical applications I like to A. Look for hidden meanings in ideas B. Look for literal, factual meaning I learn best through A. Analyzing and interpreting B. Direct, hands-on experience
Part One: Continued Total # A’s____________ Total # B’s____________ I enjoy learning A. Through thinking and reflecting B. By doing I prefer to learn through A. Concrete examples and demonstrations B. Discovery learning and problem-solving activities I would rather read about A. Teaching theories and philosophies B. Concrete teaching techniques Total # A’s____________ Total # B’s____________
Part Two: Sequential vs Part Two: Sequential vs. Random Circle the choice below that best describes you I am a: C. Top-down, hierarchical learner D. Sequential, bottom-up learner I prefer to learn through: C. Making connections between concepts and ideas D. A series of logical, well-defined steps I learn best through a: C. General to specific or non-linear approach D. Highly structured, part to whole manner
Part Two: Sequential vs Part Two: Sequential vs. Random Circle the choice below that best describes you I learn best in classes where I have to: C. Learn major concepts first and then fit in the details D. Learn the individual details first before learning the major concepts I do my best writing when I: C. Make a thorough, step-by-step outline and follow it precisely D. Think about the major ideas I want to include and then just start writing Total # C’s________ Total # D’s________
Interpretation A responses=Abstract B responses=Concrete C responses=Random (Holistic) D responses=Sequential Concrete Sequential=Highest totals in B & D Concrete Random=Highest totals in B & C Abstract Sequential=Highest totals in A & D Abstract Random=Highest totals in A & C
Combinations of Perceptual and Ordering Ability Concrete Sequential (CS) Abstract Random (AR) Abstract Sequential (AS) Concrete Random (CR) Each individual has a unique combination of natural strengths and abilities
Dominant Concrete Sequential (CS) What Do They Do Best? Apply ideas in a practical way Organize Fine-tune ideas to make them more efficient Produce concrete products from abstract ideas Work well within time limits What Makes Sense to Them? Working systematically, step-by-step Paying close attention to details Having a schedule to follow Literal interpretations Knowing what’s expected of them Routines, established ways of doing things
Dominant Concrete Sequential (CS) What’s Hard for Them? Working in groups Discussions that seem to have no specific point Working in an unorganized environment Following incomplete or unclear directions Working with unpredictable people Dealing with abstract ideas Demands to “use your imagination” Questions with no right or wrong answers What Questions Do They Ask While Learning? What are the facts I need? How do I do it? What should the result look like? When is it due?
Dominant Abstract Random (AR) What Do They Do Best? Listen to others Understand feelings and emotions Focus on themes and ideas Bring harmony to group situations Establish positive relationships with everybody Recognize and meet the emotional needs of others What Makes Sense to Them? Personalized learning Broad, general guidelines Maintaining friendly relationships Enthusiastic participation in projects they believe in Emphasis on high morale Decisions made with heart instead of head
Dominant Abstract Random (AR) What’s Hard for Them? Having to explain or justify feelings Competition Working with dictatorial/authoritarian personalities Working in a restrictive environment Working with people who don’t seem friendly Concentrating on one thing at a time Giving exact details What Questions Do They Ask While Learning? What does this have to do with me? How can I make a difference?
Dominant Abstract Sequential (AS) What Do They Do Best? Gather lots of information before making a decision Analyze ideas Research Provide logical sequence Use facts to prove or disprove theories Figure out what needs to be done What Makes Sense to Them? Using exact, well-researched information Learning more by watching than doing Logical reasoning A teacher who is an expert in his/her subject The world of abstract ideas Taking time to work through an issue thoroughly
Dominant Abstract Sequential (AS) What’s Hard for Them? Being forced to work with those of differing views Too little time to deal with a subject thoroughly Repeating the same tasks over and over Lots of specific rules and regulations “Sentimental” thinking Expressing their emotions Being diplomatic when convincing others Not monopolizing a conversation What Questions Do They Ask While Learning? How do I know this is true? Are there any possibilities we haven’t considered? What will we need in order to accomplish this?
Dominant Concrete Random (CR) What Do They Do Best? Inspire others to take action See many options and solutions Contribute unusual and creative ideas Visualize the future Often a different way to do things Accept many different types of people Think fast on their feet Take risks What Makes Sense to Them? Using insight and instinct to solve problems Working with general time frames Using real world experiences to learn Trying something themselves
Dominant Concrete Random (CR) What’s Hard for Them? Restrictions and limitations Formal reports Routines Re-doing anything once its done Keeping detailed records Showing how they got an answer Choosing only one answer Having no options What Questions Do They Ask While Learning? How much of this is really necessary?