T HE BUTLER E XTERNAL M EMBER G ROUP Introduction EMG Meeting, IoT Week 2012, Venice
EMG Overview External Member Group (EMG) should extent the reach of the project towards non project members Main goal is to cover additional vertical use cases and IoT technologies not available in the project Additionally the ethical issues of IoT will be covered by some EMG members (JRC, TNO) Example Use cases are: – Smart Cities – Smart Transport (including ITS and public transport) – Smart Home – Smart Health 2
BUTLER offer to EMG Member Regular information on project status and results Privileged access to project results including deliverables – Participation in project meetings – Participation in project field trials – Access to implemented solution (on a case by case bases) Integration of members solution into the BUTLER framework Consideration of members request in further developments Support in standardization and dissemination 3
EMG Member tasks Participation in BUTLER field trials – e.g Smart Santander (Smart City trail) – e.g. BOSCH Smart Home Trial Regulator feedback related to planning and use cases Support in standardization and regulation – Create critical mass for specific topics to be included into the standard (Interdigital, NEC) Evaluation of BUTLER technologies 4
Initial EMG Members 5 BUTLER List of External Member Group Company/OrganiztaionName of ResponsibleAddress ETSI Patrick Guillemin651, Route de SmartSantanderLuis Muñoz Robert BOSCH GmbHMichael Mahler eGlobalMark. EU-China expert group on IoT Philippe Cousin iControlPaul Russel NEC Jörg Swetina Interdigital Paul L. Russell TNO Gabriela Bodea Joint Research Center, ISPRA Gianmarco Baldini
Next steps and tasks Initial EMG Meeting during IoT-Week 2012, Venice (this meeting) Start closer cooperation with initial partners like Interdigital (Joint Demonstration during ETSI M2M Work Shop, October 2012) and iControl Attract more verticals as members of the EMG 6
Agenda of 1. BUTLER EMG Meeting IoT Week 2012, Venice Introduction (Friedbert Berens, Chairman of the EMG) The BUTLER Project - An Overview – (Giuseppe) Trial and Demos in BUTLER (Alexey, iHomeLab) The ETSI M2M Architecture - An overview - (Paul Russell, Interdigital, Chairman TCM2M Architecture group) M2M in action - The iControl M2M system and the deployment by Swisscom (Chris, iControl and Katharina, Swisscom) Ethical issue in IoT (Gabriela Bodea, TNO) Discussion 7