Presentation by: Elizabeth Butler Using iPads with Children with Autism
“I can remember the frustration of not being able to talk. I knew what I wanted to say, but I could not get the words out, so I would just scream.” -- Temple Grandin
What we should know: Definition of Autism What can an iPad provide? Things to consider List of best apps
Autism Spectrum Disorder O Complex disorders of brain development O Characterized by : O Difficulties in social interaction O Verbal and nonverbal communication O Repetitive behaviors
Difficulties in Social Interaction O Poor use of nonverbal communication O Difficulty in peer relations O Lack of social emotional reciprocity O Lack of shared enjoyment
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication O Communication deficits may include: O Failure to develop speech O Use of repeated speech or echolalia O Difficulties maintaining conversations O Lack of imaginative and symbol play
Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors O Inflexibility to changes in routines O Unusual preoccupations with narrow interests O Repetitive mannerisms (hand flapping, rocking, etc.)
Prevalence: 1 in 88 children are affected by Autism 1 child in United States is diagnosed with ASD every 16 minutes 1 in 54 diagnosed are boys
What does an iPad offer? O Communication / Social / Behavior O Apps allow child to communicate wants and needs with just a touch O Text to speech O Picture exchanges O Assists caregivers in identifying child’s knowledge and interests O Gives child control and the ability to filter out distractions
*Opportunity for child to have mobile visual schedule *Opportunity for parent/caregiver to change as needed *Less sensory overload / very predictable
Stephen Shore, author and diagnosed with autism, said; “The iPad might be the difference between communicating with the outside world and being locked in a closed state”
Things to Consider before purchasing Pros O Easy to carry O Easy to program for individual needs of child O Less expensive than other AAC devices O Easily generalized into areas beyond classroom O Appropriate for all ages and multiple abilities O Expandable O Useful for instruction and compensation
Things to Consider before purchasing Cons O Breakable / front glass O iTunes tied to credit card O Overexposure / distraction for child O Very little training/support available for educators/parents O Easily stolen O Monitor internet safety
Not a replacement for a quality teacher
Educator’s job when supporting use of iPad Determine use of iPad-- Communication- AAC or AT device Instruction- reading/math/social skills Therapeutic calming/stim time/ transition Monitor progress of goals
Which apps ?
Communication Apps O Proloquo2go – voice output, research based O Icomm – basic communication on the go, images must be added O TapToTalk – comprehensive programming capability O Artikpix – articulation cards, folders for each student, recordable O Mobile articulation probes – artic/photos O What doesn’t belong – classification O Story builder – asks students to formulate responses O Stories2learn – make it yourself story book
Instructional Apps O Charles peattie’s animal alphabet – animated animal cartoon for each letter O Pocket phonics – word building games O Itouchilearn words – matching, sight word reading O Monkey math O Motion math O Memory book
Therapeutic allows child to calm, decrease sensory overload O Fluidity O Draw with stars O Fireworks O Cookie doodle O Color and draw for kids
Sites for app lists and reviews O jonandemilysworld O momswithapps O
Words to teach by: O “ A treatment method or an educational method that will work for one child may not work for another child. The one common denominator for all of the young children is that early intervention does work, and it seems to improve the prognosis ” –Temple Grandin
When you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism ” – Stephen Shore
References Autism Speaks Inc. (2011) Internet safety, social networking and technology Retrieved from and-safety and-safety Autism Speaks Inc. (2012) Expert Interview: Vicki Clarke MS-CCC-SLP, Technology and Autism Retrieved from services/vicki_expert_interview.pdfhttp:// services/vicki_expert_interview.pdf Autism spectrum. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2012 from the Wikipedia: Brandon, J. (2011) Is the iPad a ‘Miracle Device’ for Autism? Retrieved from Jackson, S. (2011) iPads & autism: Can technology help kids communicate? Spotlight on digital media Retrieved from help-kids-communicate help-kids-communicate Juliano, F. (2011) Education matters: Schools using iPads to help autistic students. Connecticut Post Retrieved from Schools-using- iPads-to-help