F AIR & J UST I MMIGRATION R EFORM IN 2013 Presented by Dr. Yvette Butler President, LULAC Council League of United Latin American Citizens
Background- Immigration Reform Without a doubt, immigration is a galvanizing issue for the nation’s Hispanics, 75% of whom are United States citizens. The toxic rhetoric on immigration has affected us deeply, and that is why Latino voters last November generated a game-changing moment for this debate, giving us an opportunity to arrive at a solution. The historic Latino vote this past November has put us in the best position in decades to pass fair and just immigration reform, but to actually get a bill through Congress, we must contact our elected representatives and demand passage of comprehensive immigration reform this year. L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
LULAC Immigration Reform Priorities Pathway to citizenship; Reduce the backlog of individuals seeking residency or citizenship; Reform the visa system for issuing permanent and temporary visas for high-skilled & low-skilled workers ; Ensure strong worker protections are in place before any "guest worker" type provisions are considered, Reunite American families by allowing a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to sponsor their same-sex partner; and Address our enforcement needs in a manner that is just, and consistent with our existing due process and civil rights laws.
LULAC Campaign- Immigration Reform 60+ Townhalls across the country Latinos United for Immigration Reform 100+ in-district meetings in April/May 100,000 signatures in support of immigration reform A grassroots mobilization campaign magnifying the voice of the community on Capitol Hill via online and phone bank efforts. L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
Latinos United for Immigration Reform Our Principles Act Now Message to President Obama Message to Congress Tell us why you voted for Immigration Reform For more information: L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
LULAC Campaign- Immigration Reform A wave of in district meetings with Congressional Representatives during Easter Recess. 30+ strategically organized immigration townhalls around the country to educate and mobilize the Latino community in support immigration reform. A commitment to ensure over 100,000 combined meetings, letters, s, calls, faxes and tweets to overwhelm Congress with pro-immigration reform messaging in the next few months. L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
Take Action-Now! 5 ways that you can help move the debate forward: 1)Call your 2 Senators and Congressman 2)Sign our “I Voted for Immigration Reform” petition 3)Go online and the President, Vice-President, and Congress at 4)Spread the word---we need to keep the movement going until we achieve immigration reform! 5)Volunteer with LULAC! L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
Take Action-Now! More ways you can help: 1)Register to Vote! 2)Organize a townhall on your campus. 3)Organize a phonebank with your networks. 4)Organize in-district visits with your members of Congress. 5)Spread the word---we need to keep the movement going until we achieve immigration reform! L EAGUE OF U NITED L ATIN A MERICAN C ITIZENS
Contact Sindy M. Benavides Director of Civic Engagement & Mobilization League of United Latin American Citizens